Panasonic KWN is a global education programme for 11-16 year-olds in five continents. The Programme provides video production equipment and training for the development of School Video News Teams.
Beginning with two schools in New Jersey, USA in 1988, the KWN Programme now supports over 700 schools in 31 countries.
Starting work in October, School Video News Teams research and produce five-minute videos on aspects of global citizenship from the point of view of their own communities. The deadline for submission of films is mid-February, with the UK Awards Ceremony held during May.
Session 2012-2013: Teenage Cancer - Lacey's Story
The Team were presented with "Best Picture and Sound" and the "UK Grand Prix" for 2013.
A brief update (written on 2 May 2013) can be viewed here...
The Press Release written by Chloe Craig giving a summary of the KWN experience issued on Sunday 5 May 2013 can be viewed here (download).
The response to the KWN Team's win by our Head Teacher (Mrs Ingham) can be viewed here.
Lacey is a healthy teenage girl, but two years ago she was fighting for her life. Cancer affects thousands of teenagers like Lacey each year in the UK. Find out what cancer is, and how people in Lacey's situation are helped. This film highlights the importance of fighting cancer, together.
The Knox Academy KWN 2013 team members are Olivia Christie, Chloe Craig, Harriet Lomholt-Welch, Isla Macdonald, Charlotte Riddell, Ben Scott, Charlotte Smith and Megan Sproul.
Session 2011-2012: Think of Life - Put Down the Knife
GLOBAL BEST DOCUMENTARY AWARD... more details here from Panasonic Winners' Week and Global Awards Ceremony
The Global Awards were held on Friday 10 August 2012 at the Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden, London.
Press Release: 5 July 2012 (Rewired PR Agency)
watch the documentary video below (click here)...
UK GRAND PRIX WINNER... more details here (including comments from the team after winning this Award)
From one of only two Scottish schools to take part in this competition: Caitlin Wright, Saimah Uddin, Owen McHugh, Eilidh Munro, Rhona Taylor, Becky Cole, Andrew Waddell and Janina Calder-Petrie have successfully completed their documentary on Knife Crime.
At the Awards Ceremony held in Redditch on Thursday 3 May 2012, the team were presented with the UK Grand Prix Award. This award demonstrates the best film across all the judging categories. Knox Academy are now invited to participate in Winners' Week in London during August, competing against other teams from across the Globe.
This thought-provoking and moving film concerns knife crime and highlights its devastating effects on lives - both on victims, perpetrators and families. The main message being communicated is that despite knife crime being illegal it is a more common problem than some might think and that its effects can shatter lives and leave scars deeper than the skin.
The group were lucky enough to be able to visit St Andrew's House in Edinburgh to interview Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Secretary for Scotland. The team arranged the interview with Mr MacAskill themselves, for which they were commended. Mr MacAskill was very friendly and approachable and answered all our questions with great detail.
The KWN team have greatly enjoyed the experience and would like to thank all involved for their help.
Bringing awareness on the subject and endeavoring to confirm that this crime must be, if not completely stopped, significantly reduced, their documentary can be viewed below...
Session 2010-2011: It Gets Better
Knox Academy creates Award Winning film
Third year pupils at Knox Academy have spent the past seven months working on a short documentary film called ‘It Gets Better’. The film focuses on homophobic bullying in schools and gives hope to young Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender people that ‘It Gets Better’.
The pupils were part of the Panasonic Kid Witness News project, a Global contest, which asks young people to create an engaging short film with Global importance.
At the Panasonic awards day in Derby on 4 May 2011 the Knox Academy KWN Team were awarded the ‘Best Global Citizenship’ Award. Out of the fifteen schools involved in the UK, the Knox Academy team were the one of only two Scottish representatives.
Gill Brigg, Education Director for KWN, had this to say about the Knox Academy film. 'The judging team was deeply impressed by the commitment of the Knox Academy students in bringing such a loud and proud message to the competition. Their film encapsulated the spirit of KWN through placing citizenship at the core and leading the audience through a challenging, yet optimistic, narrative. We loved the film. Well done! We will ensure that this film reaches as wide an audience as possible. Panasonic supports KWN in 679 schools across 26 countries and we will ensure that this film reaches as wide an audience as possible.'
The pupils worked alongside Stonewall Scotland to help create their KWN film. Laura Ferguson, Education Officer at Stonewall was very impressed by the Knox Academy KWN Team and wanted to thank them, she said “I hope this team of motivated and intelligent young people will inspire others around the world to speak out about homophobic bullying; a problem that destroys lives. I was delighted to work with such a passionate group and I’m thrilled that the panel have recognised their efforts.”
Maura Drew, a third year pupil and member of the KWN team said ‘It’s been such a fun day; we didn’t expect to get any award. Some of the final films were really good. I was just pleased that our work has been recognised. I’ve learnt so much about film production from doing this. It’s a great project.’
The team worked with professionals from Panasonic on film production, editing and camera skills.
‘This has been an amazing opportunity for our young people and I am so proud of them. Homophobia is a serious issue in schools and I want to thank these young people for getting the message heard that ‘It Gets Better’. This is our first year in the contest and to come away with the Best Global Citizenship award is really special, I’m truly honoured to work with so many inspirational people.’Commented Drama Teacher, John Naples-Campbell.