You can subscribe to this calendar with these instructions, this will allow you to see school events alongside your personal calendar. The original layout (rather than an event view) of the calendar is still accessible.
23/12/2024 - 00:00 to 03/01/2025 - 23:55
06/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
13/01/2025 - 18:30 to 19:30
15/01/2025 - 18:00 to 20:00
17/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
22/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
24/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
27/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
27/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
27/01/2025 - 00:00 to 31/01/2025 - 23:55
28/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55
30/01/2025 - 00:00 to 23:55