Careers Information

Recent Careers News

The provision of careers information and advice is an important part of the Guidance programme at all stages from lower to upper school and is coordinated by the Principal Teacher Support (Support for Pupils).  An extensive Careers Education programme is a major component in Social Education for all year groups and is supported by the Careers Advisor who also interviews all school leavers.

There is an excellent Careers Library with up to date information covering a wide range of Careers.  Much of this information can now be accessed using information technology resources.

In addition, pupils have access to a wide range of other experiences/resources to help them plan and set targets.  These start in S1 but are most heavily concentrated in S4-6, and include such things as Work Experience, Mock Interviews, CVs, Progress Files and visits to Higher Education Institutions, to name but a few.  Parents are invited to consult with the appropriate Guidance Teacher on any aspect of Careers.

Skills Development Scotland draw up an annual plan, agreed with the school, which details Careers provision for the school year. 

Skills Development Scotland offers advice, guidance and information to pupils on future career plans, ranging from employment and training to further and higher education.  In order to do this, the Careers Advisor works closely with the school Guidance staff and is available to all pupils in the school but concentrates mainly on S4-6.  Most of the work carried out in the school by the Careers Advisor is via individual or group interviews, and these are offered to all senior pupils.  The Careers Advisor also provides a time in school when any pupil can call in to discuss careers.  For those pupils who intend to seek employment and/or training, vacancy details are displayed on the Careers Service vacancy board in school.  The Careers Advisor attends the Coursing days for S2, S4 and S5.

Information about vacancies notified to the Careers Adviser can be found on the
Mid and East Lothian Vacancy website.

The school Careers Advisor is available in school for a day and a half per week.

Skills Development Scotland
Suite 4
Adam Ferguson House
Eskmills Park
Station Road
EH21 7PG

Tel: 0131 665 3120

My World of Work

My World of Work is Scotland’s careers information and advice web service.

At school and right through to retirement, My World of Work helps you with up-to-date information, advice and tools when you need it most:

  • Modern Apprenticeships – why not earn as you learn? Find out what apprenticeships are available in Scotland and how they work

Get the help you need for the career you want.

My World of Work is delivered by Skills Development Scotland, the national skills body which supports the people and businesses of Scotland.