Christmas Concert 2018

Christmas Concert 2018

The Christmas Concert held on Tuesday 18 December 2018 can be viewed as a YouTube playlist... alternatively watch the individual videos below.

Thanks to Rebecca MacKenzie and Shannon Skene for filming the concert.


Orchestra - Carol of the Drum / Peace on Earth


Orchestra - Sleigh Ride


Piano Duet - Ding Dong Merrily on High


Choir - Sing To The Moon


Guitar Group - Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer


Wind Band - Magnificent 7


Wind Band - The Good King Swings


Solo Cello - The Swan


The Goats' Toes - Morpeth Rent / Dash Flowers of Edinburgh


The Goats' Toes - Fairy-Tale of New York


S4 Band - All I Want for Christmas Is You


String Orchestra - Troika


String Orchestra - City of Stars


Jazz Band - Everything



Jazz Band - The Chicken


Staff Band - Merry Christmas Everyone (Slade)