Course Choice for Session 2025/2026
We have updated all relevant sections of the Course Choice area here on the website, for next session (2025/26). Please take time to consult any sections that are relevant to you. Key documents and information will be emailed/ shared directly to pupils in the coming weeks e.g. all pupils in S3-5 will receive a letter with their coursing recommendations by the 24 January. It is very important that these recommendations are taken into account when making course choices as they are the professional opinion of staff as to the most appropriate next steps for each individual. There would have to be a very clear case presented in terms of deviating from these recommendations.
There will be coursing information event held on 13 January 2025, 18:30-19:30, in the Assembly Hall. This is open to parents/ carers of pupils in S2-5 and may be of particular interest to parents/ carers who are new to the coursing process. It will cover generic issues. Any specific questions should be directed to your child's Pupil Support leader in the first instance. The presentation will also be avalaible on this section of the website from the 13 January.
We are holding a Careers Fair in the Assembly Hall on Wednesday 15 January 2025 6:00-8:00pm. Over 50 industries and partner agencies will be represented, so please come along and have a wander.
Elaine Gorman our Developing Young Workforce (DYW) coordinator, along with her colleagues have collated the following catalogue of videos links, which provide an insight into an extremely diverse range of careers. They have been divided up into the different curricular areas. We have also posted the list of links that are contained within the Course Choice Powerpoint as these complement the videos in terms of other sources of information pupils and parents/ carers may find useful.
We hope that these will allow pupils to broaden their horizons in terms of the range of job opportunities that are out there and see the relevance of the different subject areas to these careers.
It is impossible to cover every single career/ job opportunity, not least as the job market is evolving and changing so rapidly.
Our intention is to build on the library of links and resources as time goes on and in particular to include more examples of local businesses, opportunities etc.
- Scottish Curriculum Overview
- Equity in our Curriculum
- Careers Video Links 2025
- Careers Event 2025 - Exhibitors and Apprenticeships
- Careers Event 2025 - presentations on Apprenticeships:Foundation Apprenticeships | Modern Apprenticeships | Graduate Apprenticeships
- National Apprenticeships Website - details of the different types of apprenticeships and adverts for all current apprenticeship posts:
- Course Choice Useful Links 2025
East Lothian Works (ELW) Information Events
East Lothian Works have produced a FAQ document and a recorded version of the event so that pupils and parents/ carers can still access it. Links to these resources are here:
Documentation for each year group is below the Background Information:
Background Information
Pupils will be emailed information regarding the process. Course choices will be confirmed with pupils, parents and carers once all of the S3-6 coursing information is received and we have been able to establish the most efficient way of giving as many pupils their first choices, as is possible.
All pupils in S3-5 will have a coursing interview with a member of their House Team. Every S2 pupil will be seen by C Trotter our Skills Development Scotland link.
All pupils in S2 upwards are currently being asked to think about their options to study more in depth further up the school. From S2 upwards there is an element of choice as to what pupils are;
- interested in
- good at
- may require a background in due to their chosen career path
There are a number of ways in which we can support pupils in this process; subject teachers, Pupil Support Leaders, Careers Advisor (Skills Development Scotland) and of course discussion with parents.
Further to support from staff in school, we also suggest the use of the following websites for information surrounding choosing the right subjects;
We will also try and make as much information available to families as possible with regards to the other options e.g. College and Foundation Apprenticeships.
Here are some of the presentations that pupils and parents/ carers may find useful.
As per East Lothian Council’s Excellence & Equity: Raising Attainment for All Strategy, Knox Academy is fully committed to providing the best education possible through a relentless focus on Inclusion, Achievement, Ambition and Progress for All. Within Equity across their curriculum document, each faculty sets out how they ensure equity across their curriculum areas.
S2 into S3 Documentation
Please ensure that you have read the Background Information
- Presentation from Coursing Information Event 2025 - information on the curriculum, coursing process and access to senior phase course information.
- S3 Learner Pathway Booklet 2025
- S2 into S3 Course Choice Form - can be used to map out choices before submitting the Google Form. Your Google Form is to be submitted by 19 February 2025.
- Pathways Mapping Tool - Pupils and Parents/Carers may find this useful in terms of mapping the potential pathways.
- S2 into S3 Google Form for Submitting Choices
- Job Market Information for East Lothian
- Information for Parents/ Carers about Qualifications
S3 into S4 Documentation
Please ensure that you have read the Background Information
- Presentation from Coursing Information Event 2025 - curriculum overview, coursing process and access to details of all the senior phase courses (including College and East Lothian Works)
- Senior Phase Options Form- use this form to select your choices and hand it in to your register teacher by 19 February.
- Pathways Mapping Tool - Pupils and Parents/Carers may find this useful in terms of mapping the potential pathways.
- Foundation Apprenticeships Overview
- Foundation Apprenticeships Presentation
- Job Market Information for East Lothian
- Information for Parents/ Carers about Qualifications
- Schools College Partnership Courses
- East Lothian Works Courses - including Foundation Apprenticeships
S4 into S5 and; S5 into S6 Documentation
Please ensure that you have read the Background Information
- Presentation from Coursing Information Event 2025 - curriculum overview, coursing process and access to details of all the senior phase courses (including College and East Lothian Works)
- Senior Phase Options Form - use this form to select your choices and hand it in to your register teacher by 19 February.
- Schools College Partnership Courses
- East Lothian Works Courses - including Foundation Apprenticeships
- Pathways Mapping Tool - Pupils and Parents/Carers may find this useful in terms of mapping the potential pathways.
- Foundation Apprenticeships Overview
- Foundation Apprenticeships Presentation
- Job Market Information for East Lothian
- Information for Parents/ Carers about Qualifications