The week was off to a good start with the success of Knox Academy Team 1 in the S6 Challenge. Congratulations and well done to all pupils who took part.
The S2 Progress Reports have been issued and I hope parents find them helpful and informative. If you have any questions regarding the reports, please contact the appropriate Guidance teacher.
Tuesday got off to an exciting start as we had a surprise visitor. This stray dog (we called him Tristan) had followed pupils into school, where he was looked after (and offered several alternative homes), before being collected by the Dog Warden to be returned to his owner in Tranent. No, we have no idea how he travelled to Haddington from Tranent either!
During the week, the S5 'Working with Others' Groups have been very busy. There has been music in the Food Court, sales of baking, competitive karaoke and plans for the ‘Any Tie Day’ on 22 December. Proceeds from the events are going to charities chosen by the pupils. Well done to all S5 pupils involved.
On Wednesday, the Music Department lead pupils and staff in 2 performances of the Christmas Concert. In the afternoon, the audience, including P7 pupils, gave the performers a great reception. The evening was a packed event and the wonderful music put everyone in a festive mood. The audience showed their appreciation with a long ovation at the end of a lovely evening. Congratulations to all pupils and staff involved and particular thanks to Mr Johnston and Miss Orr.
On Monday, pupils will be taking part in year group ceilidhs organised by Mr MacDonald and his team in the PE Department. Also, the Christmas Boxes will be completed and judged before being distributed in the community. On Tuesday, the S6 will be presenting their panto to the school. There will be a whole school assembly before the school closes at 4pm. An exciting 2 days no doubt.
Best wishes for the festive season.
JB Craig