This has been another busy week.
Yesterday afternoon (Thursday), the Home Economics Department hosted the ‘Little and Large’ Cooking Competition. This involved primary pupils working with a secondary pupil to create dishes from scratch. The room was a hive of activity and, judging by the lovely aromas, the dishes were cooked successfully. Refreshments were served to the various visitors and members of staff assisting. Many thanks to Ms Hossack and her team for arranging the event. Congratulations and well done to all involved.
Yesterday was a busy day, as well as the cookery competition, a large group of S3 Drama pupils travelled to Dundee to see the musical ‘Sweeney Todd’. Feedback has been positive and staff accompanying the trip had high praise for the pupils’ concentration and behaviour during the performance. Well done to all involved and a big thank you to staff for organising the trip.
This week I have had the great pleasure of reading and ‘signing off’ all the S1 reports. The reports are overwhelmingly positive and complimentary. Well done to the S1 pupils who have settled in well at Knox and have taken their studies seriously. The reports were distributed this morning and should have reached home by lunchtime.
Calendar change: the Scottish Government has allocated an addition in-service day for staff to develop the Curriculum for Excellence. East Lothian has identified Wednesday 18 August as this additional in-service day. Therefore, pupils will resume school after the summer holiday on Thursday 19 August 2010.
Good luck to all pupils sitting examinations as the SQA diet continues.
Best wishes,
JB Craig