July 2015

Published: 03 July 2015

So, we come to the last head Teacher’s Update of session 2014-15. If you read back through my updates for the session you will see how much has gone on and how much we have achieved. This sense of busy-ness was backed up at last night’s Awards’ Ceremony.

It was wonderful to see so many youngsters being recognised for their achievement and attainment. One of the benefits of being on the stage is that I get to see the pupils’ faces and the expressions on the faces of parents and guests – everyone smiling, looking proud and happy at a job well done. I would like to thank the Jazz Band for getting us all “In the Mood” and also, Max Sykes from Canon UK for presenting the awards.

Exam results day is the 4th August and pupils should have received a letter about that and what to do if things don’t work out as planned. We will be recoursing pupils on Monday 17th August – so if you telephone the school before then you will be able to get an appointment for that if you need to.

Pupils return to school on Wednesday 19th August at 8.44am and I look forward to seeing them refreshed after their holidays, in full dress code, and ready to work.

Have a lovely summer.

S Ingham