Do you mind if I brag a little bit more this week? You don’t? Smashing!
On Friday afternoon I helped a number of our S6 pupils to put on an afternoon tea for the local elderly. Around 30 people attended from Knox Court, Florabank and the Day Centre. As usual we over-catered but at least no one left hungry! The “brains” behind the event was Iona Croally, who must be congratulated for marshalling her team very well. Thanks to everyone who attended.
On Friday evening I represented Knox at a Saltire Awards event in Haddington. The Saltire Awards recognise volunteering hours completed by young people aged 12 to 25. It was wonderful to see so many Knox Academy pupils there. I was very proud to pick up the “East Lothian Inter-School Challenge” shield thanks to the sheer number of hours that our pupils have clocked up. Well done to all the pupils who received certificates that night, it’s great to know that you are making such a difference in the community.
On Tuesday night our Young Enterprise teams headed into Edinburgh to attend the Edinburgh and Lothians Award Ceremony. Team Fusion came out of the evening very well, winning second place overall for their Wine Charms business. William Syme was awarded Best Finance Director; Harry Bowles was deemed Best Sales Director; and Rosi Kelly was Best Managing Director. They got 2nd place for their interview and Chloe Forrest was joint third in the Best Production Director category. Congratulations go to all the pupils involved in Teams Fusion and Tenacity and thanks to those who have supported them throughout their endeavours.
Last night I was overwhelmed, as ever, by the sheer talent on display at the Spring Concert. I leave these occasions feeling about seven feet tall. I would like to thank everyone who made it possible – the parents, pupils, music staff, instructors, camera-people, stage crew, and lighting production. Everyone I spoke to couldn’t get over how well produced the whole event was and how much the pupils enjoyed what they were doing. It was a very fine night. There were a couple of raffles that took place to help with some fundraising – one of the prizes (a tartan Scottie dog) was won by a blue raffle ticket (numbers 26 to 30) with the serial number AR3B 5L4L – if you want to claim your prize, pop in to school.
Today we finish for the Easter Holidays and everyone should return at normal time on Monday 11th April.
Have a great holiday (as and when it might happen for you).
Sarah Ingham