August 2017

Published: 29 August 2017

I am writing to advise you that Sarah Ingham, the Head Teacher of Knox Academy, is on a period of leave and Lauren Rodger, Head Teacher of North Berwick High School, will be leading and managing the school on an interim basis.

We would like to re-assure all parents that East Lothian Council is fully supporting Knox Academy, ensuring high-quality learning and teaching continues to be provided for all pupils throughout this period.

Yours faithfully
Fiona Robertson
Head of Education

A letter was issued to all pupils (containing this text) at assemblies during Period 6 on Monday 28 August 2017.

Published: 25 August 2017

I’ve been doing assemblies this week to all the pupils, handing out their new “WE R Knox” badges for the session. We’ve talked at the assemblies about “ambition”, about how important it is for each, individual pupil to have an idea of what they want to achieve. I am hoping that this has made the pupils think about how they are going to approach this year – be it getting all their homework handed in on time; getting better at their sport; or being one the 150 pupils that we recognise at the Awards’ Ceremony. It would be great if parents could follow up that conversation at home, if you haven’t already.

The S1 photos on Monday went well and we are looking forward to seeing the results.

On Thursday the S6 were in the Hall for the majority of the day to get the UCAS process started, and heard from former pupils about how they have coped in terms of getting qualification after school. It was great to see Mitchel Simpson, Eilidh McClure and Shannon McLauchlan telling us of their successes and passing on their advice.

Speaking of former pupils: Jodie Lavin did us proud when she attended the Special Olympics Great Britain Games in Sheffield as part of the Lothian Special Olympics Team. These are the 10th Games to be held with a total of 2,600 athletes participating in 21 separate events. Jodie was competing in the Boccia where she won a Gold medal in the Singles and a fourth place ribbon with her friend Phillipa in the Doubles. This is the second Special Olympics that Jodie has taken part in, the first being four years ago in Bath where she won a Gold and Silver Medal. Jodie was cheered on in Sheffield by her Mum and Dad and brothers Paul and Grant who were all extremely proud of Jodie, her Lothian Special Olympics Team mates, and all the athletes participating in Sheffield.

Today we say farewell to Mr Crawford in Art and Design who is leaving us for pastures new. We wish him all the very best at his new school in Edinburgh.

Next week we have the following events on in the evening:

  • Tuesday: UCAS Evening in the Hall at 7pm
  • Wednesday: Parent Council in the library at 6.15pm (NOT 6.30pm)
  • Thursday: Senior Phase (S4-6) Information Evening – what to expect this session. 7pm in the Hall.

Have a great week.

S Ingham

Published: 18 August 2017

Welcome to the new S1s, parents and staff, and welcome back to everyone else!

Staff started back on Monday 14 August, where we had our two in-service days to continue planning for this session. We welcomed the following new staff to Knox mainstream: Ms Cahoon (English), Mrs Gourlay (Maths), Dr Lyon (Support for Learning), Mrs Cochrane (HE), Ms Walker (Biology & Science), Mr Moncrieff (Physics and Science), Ms Borwick (PE). Mr McDonald (PE) has returned to us on a part-time basis, and we’re very grateful to Mr Raphael for coming back to help with cover in Computing until our new teacher arrives. The following staff joined us at Meadowpark: Ms Murphy, Mr Morrison, Mr Krawiec, Ms Ranu, Ms Will, Ms Mearns, and Ms Smith.

I have been in a number of classes this week, just welcoming pupils back and seeing how they have settled. I was delighted to see them working well, and looking for the most part, happy to be back. I will be visiting S1 and S5 classes specifically over the next couple of weeks. Matthew Morrison in S2 had been growing his hair for 15 months so that he could donate it to Little Princess Trust, who will use it to make wigs for children who have no hair due to cancer treatment or illness. It was finally long enough over the holidays, so he had his head shaved. It's the second time he's done this over the last three years. Whilst it’s after the event, he’s looking for sponsorship, so if anyone wants to donate, you can get in touch through the school. It’s a marvellous thing that Matthew has done and is just the sort of altruism that makes me very proud.

Congratulations to one of our partners –East Coast FM who have just been awarded the Princess Royal Training Award. This award usually goes to much bigger organisations e.g. BAE Systems and Barclay’s Bank, so ECFM really had to hold their own. I am delighted that our pupils played a part in gaining the award and I believe they will be taking part in a celebratory photo shoot next week – it’s a real sign of community engagement from our youngsters. I have also asked the team to come in during one lunchtime to try and enthuse others and get them on board.

At the end of last session, I was delighted to hear that Jack Martin (former pupil) had gained his BA (Hons) from Stirling University. I wish Jack all the best as he takes the next steps in his career.

It was my pleasure, today, to join the Employability Skills class to introduce the pupils to Max Sykes (Canon UK), who, alongside others, will be working with the pupils on their employability

On Monday the S1s are getting their school photos taken. We will be on hand to straighten ties and hold mirrors so that they can brush their hair. On Thursday, the S6 are having a UCAS day, where they will start the process of UCAS applications and get advice from speakers on the whole process.

Have a great week.

S Ingham