August 2020

Published: 28 August 2020

Our second full week at Knox Academy and we are very much enjoying having all pupils back at school. They have been amazing at adapting to all the changes, and with the wearing of face coverings expected as of Monday, we will do our best to support this change too. I have spoken to many pupils this week, through visiting classes and seeing first-hand how engaged they are in their learning. Great to see that our school values of Ambition, Respect and Community are still very much in action.


Long-leet interviews for the Depute Head Teacher (Meadowpark) take place next Wednesday and short leet interviews the following Tuesday.

Health and Safety around the school

Just a short reminder that any pupil showing Covid-19 symptoms must not attend a school and you can book a test online at or by telephoning 0800 028 2816. Only if this test is negative should the pupil return to school (and an email with any result should be emailed to (who is our Welfare Auxiliary)). Please refer to the detailed information I sent out in the letter on Monday.

School College Partnership 2020-21 (SCP)

All SCP courses will be delivered online for semester 1.  This includes East Lothian Works bespoke groups such as S4 Hair and Beauty and S3 Hair & Beauty 2020/21. This means there will be no face to face delivery until January.

Edinburgh College will still be available to teach the students at their allocated times, but as explained above it will be online only for this semester. SCP will be delivered on Tuesday and has sent out emails (w/c 17 August) for the pupils to self-enrol which can be completed on phone, tablet or PC, but they will need to be able to submit a personal photograph to complete the process. College will also forward a student handbook which will provide information on the college and introduce the SCP Coordinator who will be overseeing the classes. Pupils will have the opportunity to contact Edinburgh College if they encounter any problems. In the meantime pupils should check their “spam folder” if they have not yet received an email from Edinburgh College.

Scheduled online induction and transition sessions were held for SCP pupils w/c 24 August and will continue into next week (w/c 31 August). Pupils must attend these class sessions from 1:30-3:30pm with Mr Barnhurst. Failure to complete the induction may jeopardise the pupil’s college place.

Course delivery will commence the following week, the week beginning 7 September.

Once the courses have started i.e. from 7 September, the following arrangements will apply:

S5/6 – pupils may work from home on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, but only if parental consent, in the form of an email to Mr Russell ( has been received.

S4 – pupils will attend the college class with Mr Barnhurst on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and complete the work set by their college course.

The other two periods designated as college are a Monday period 7 and a Friday period 4 (the last periods in the day). With parental consent in the form of an email to Mr Russell (, pupils can finish school early and go home. Where consent is not granted or it is not possible for the pupil to travel home, they should remain in school and attend the Opportunity for Wider Achievement Class.

Should your family have no access to Wi-Fi at home, then please contact the school office at by Tuesday 1 September. Alternatively, if your son/daughter would prefer to be re-coursed, then they need to speak to Mr Russell, DHT as soon as possible.

Virtual Awards Event – Wednesday 16th September

This event celebrates our young people’s performances in their subjects across 2019-20. Pupils in S1-S6 have been nominated by their teachers based on their hard work and commitment to their studies in S1-S3 and their performance in their SQA subjects in S4-S6. We also have a variety of special awards in areas such as music and the arts that will be awarded at this event. We will be writing home to all our award winners next week and asking for parental consent to share your young person’s name at our awards ceremony and also on our school website, social media and possibly the East Lothian Courier too. All pupils will be issued with a certificate for the general and subject awards and a medal for the special awards, including Dux, as they cannot take the trophies home (names will be engraved on trophies and these will be displayed in our foyer. We will also offer pupils the opportunity to have their picture taken with their trophy as a keep sake). We will share a link to the awards ceremony with all winners.


Please could all pupils who borrowed a device such as a Chromebook during lockdown, please return these to the school office as soon as possible. There are still a number of devices that have not been returned and it is vital that we get these back to school to be updated and also for learning and teaching in classrooms and to be able to reallocate to those young people having to work from home. Thank you.

Google Classroom Guardian Summary

As you’ll know, Knox Academy uses Google Classroom to support learning at home and as part of our digital strategy we want to roll out an additional feature of Google Classroom which is designed to help Parents/Carers gain an overview of the set tasks and assignments.

This feature is called Guardian Summaries and it enables Parents/Carers to receive e-mail updates about:

  • Missing work—Work not turned in when the summary was sent.
  • Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails).
  • Class activities—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.

As a parent/carer you will be able to control the frequency of these updates or decide to opt-out of receiving them at a later date.   

Setting up Guardian Summaries 

To setup Guardian Summaries use the link: which requires your child to log in via edubuzz. This must be done by each child in your household for whom you wish to receive e-mail updates. 

We will use the main contact email we have on record but there will be an option in the form to add a second email address. It is therefore essential that the pupil record is accurate so please contact us if you wish to make any changes to your stored information.  

Please also note that, due to GDPR regulations, your child may choose to opt out of sharing information with you and if they decline permission we will not be able to set up the summaries for you. (Calum Blair, CL Maths and Numeracy)

Information Update

A pack will be home containing a PC1 and an Annual Data Check form which is required to be checked by parent/carers, updated as appropriate, signed and returned. Packs will contain photo permission forms, email consent forms and school closure forms if we do not hold a copy on file.

If you have no email address, it is essential that you inform the school. Where this is the case, the weekly email information is automatically updated on our website.

Water Dispensers in School

All water dispensers in school are in use and students are encouraged to refill their own water bottles at breaktime and lunchtime.


We now have an “Attendance” inbox for parents to email with student absences/appointments. Please email

Parent Council

Our first Parent Council of the session will take place, virtually, on Tuesday 1 September. If you would like to join us, please email Lesley Pirie, the Chair of the Parent Council, at, so we can add you to our session. It would be great to welcome as many new parents/carers as possible. The meeting will run from 6.30-7.30. 


Most of our communication is by email to parents/carers so if you have still to provide us with your email please do so ASAP so you don’t miss out on any information from us.  Please send an email to to give us your email information. Thank you. If you have a question to ask about your young person or a question in general about the school, please email your young person’s Pupil Support Leader in the first instance as they will be best placed to help you.  If need be, they will refer any questions on to the House Depute Head Teachers.  The email addresses are as follows:

Ms Adam - (Garleton Pupil Support Leader (PSL))

Mr Meekison -  (Lammerlaw PSL) 

Mrs Doig -  (Traprain)

Dr Lyon - (PSL Support for Learning)

Ms Fox - (PSL for Inclusion)


Sue Cook


Published: 21 August 2020

It has been a joy to have all of our young people back at Knox Academy this week. The mood has been cheerful across the school and both staff and pupils seem to be relishing being back to face to face teaching and learning and the feeling of community.  Pupils have been so good at following the new safety measures. Thank you to all parents and carers for supporting your young person’s return and all the preparations that have gone on throughout the summer to get us to this stage.


DHT Meadowpark (Charli Prime’s post) – interviews will take place over the next fortnight

Health and Safety around the school

Just a short reminder that any pupil showing Covid-19 symptoms must not attend a school and you can book a test online at or by telephoning 0800 028 2816. Only if this test is negative should the pupil return to school (and an email with any result should be emailed to (who is our Welfare Auxiliary)). I would also like to encourage as many of our pupils as possible to wear face masks / face coverings in and around school (particularly in corridors), as part of an enhanced system of our approaches to reduce transmission and to support all of our wellbeing. Face masks are also recommended for both pupils and staff when staff are working 1:1 with pupils.

We are also still encouraging all pupils to be outdoors as much as possible and to go outside to the playground and playing fields areas at break and lunchtimes (if dry). This is a measure put in place to prevent large groups/gatherings indoors and therefore an enhanced measure to reduce transmission. As the weather gets colder young people may wish to bring a cosy jacket and hat/gloves to stay warm when going out.  If your young person can bring a packed lunch to eat outside that would be great, but if they can’t, they should eat at the Food Court and then head outside thereafter. If it is raining, designated year group wet weather areas are available inside the school should they wish to eat their break/lunch there. Only S4-S6 are allowed to leave school premises for lunch. Thank you for support with this. 

It has been great to see so many pupils in our school uniform and representing the Knox Academy community. If you need support with uniform, information can be found in the link above. Please can I remind parents/carers that we have a ‘no hooded top’ policy for health and safety reason (detailed in the link above) and I would be very grateful is you would support us with this. Thank you.

S6 Pupils

We are going to adopt a flexible approach to S6 studies this session and allow S6 to prepare for University/College and employment by organising their day to day in the way that best suits their studying style. For this reason, if pupils have a non-contact period first thing in the morning, they will be able to study at home instead of attending registration and then studying in the Library. I am aware that many will still choose to come in and attend registration and do this but there is now a flexibility for those who wish to, and are able to study from home. Likewise, at the end of the day, pupils who do not have afternoon classes may also choose to go home to study.  All we ask is that pupils sign in and out at the front of the school, in the S6 register, and also hand sanitise on entry and exit to the building. Pupils should mark the times they will be working from home on the timetables they will be given out tomorrow at registration so the office can update the periods they are studying from home as OAT (other attendance out of school). This arrangement will come in to play from Monday 24 August to allow the office team time to update timetables.


Revised certificates will be issued to be with candidates on Tuesday 8 September.

The update on the appeals process can be found here. SQA anticipate that in all three circumstances such appeals will arise only exceptionally.


To any families returning going to/or returning from holiday in countries that require a period of quarantine, (and do not have an ‘air-bridge’ with Scotland) must self-isolate for 14 days. Please do not send your young person (people) to school until you have complied with all of the requirements. This is vital to keep everyone safe and keep Knox Academy open. Thank you.

Bringing Your Own Device

Pupils have been encouraged to bring their own device to school now only if they can (please don’t go out and purchase one).  These devices should be fully charged in readiness for learning as we will be unable to provide charging facilities. Ideally these devices should be a Chromebook but laptops are also ideal. Please ensure that you have insurance to cover these devices as the school cannot cover loss or damage to them. The school will be able to provide pupils with Chromebooks for learning when needed in school but at present we only have a ratio of 1:10 Chromebooks, but this will change once we receive some more through Scottish Gvt funding.  We have been asked not to use textbooks and be creative digitally, as once used, textbooks have to be stored for 72 hrs before re-using. We will be able to photocopy some booklets to give to pupils to keep.

Parent Council

Our first Parent Council of the session will take place, virtually, on Tuesday 1 September. If you would like to join us, please email Lesley Pirie, the Chair of the Parent Council, at, so we can add you to our session. It would be great to welcome as many new parents/carers as possible. The meeting will run from 6.30-7.30. 


Most of our communication is by email to parents/carers so if you have still to provide us with your email please do so ASAP so you don’t miss out on any information from us.  Please send an email to to give us your email information. Thank you. If you have a question to ask about your young person or a question in general about the school, please email your young person’s Pupil Support Leader in the first instance as they will be best placed to help you.  If need be, they will refer any questions on to the House Depute Head Teachers.  The email addresses are as follows:

Ms Adam - (Garleton Pupil Support Leader (PSL))

Mr Meekison -  (Lammerlaw PSL) 

Mrs Doig -  (Traprain)

Dr Lyon - (PSL Support for Learning)

Ms Fox - (PSL for Inclusion)

Parliamentary Motion (Kenny MacAskill MP)

This came in during the summer break from Kenny MacAskill. Great to be recognised for the community work our staff did during lockdown.

“I was very impressed to read that CDT staff from Knox Academy helped in designing and producing PPE equipment over lockdown. This was a wonderful and uplifting read and I wanted to contact you personally to recognise the great achievement. Also, I have lodged a parliamentary motion noting the accomplishment. The motion has been lodged with the Parliament of Westminster and will gain cross-party. The motion is as follows; “That the House recognises the assiduous efforts of Craft, Design and Technology teachers across East Lothian working together to create thousands of pieces of personal protection equipment in the form of visors, scrubs and masks; notes the initiative on behalf of teachers come from Haddington Knox Academy, North Berwick High School, Preston Lodge High School of Prestonpans, Musselburgh Grammar School and Ross High School of Tranent; further notes that the teachers have created more than 4,500 visors, 60 sets of scrubs and

several face masks; highlights the efforts a staff of more than 30 providing equipment to over 120 organisations throughout East Lothian and beyond; further highlights that the initiative also held a fundraiser that raised more than £9,000 in donations; and thanks the teachers for their innovation, creativity and dedication towards a project that has help keep many frontline NHS staff and keyworkers safe during the pandemic to continue to do their life saving and crucial work.”  

A Huge thank you to your team, Kenny MacAskill MP, Member of Parliament for East Lothian Constituency

Have a good weekend and we will look forward to seeing all of our young people back on Monday.

Sue Cook


Published: 14 August 2020

It has been absolutely wonderful to welcome our pupils back to school on a phased return this week. Lots of smiling faces and great to be back to face to face teaching. Staff had two in-service days to prepare for our re-opening and re-connecting but it is only when pupils come back in that the school really feels alive again.  They all looked so smart in their Knox Academy uniform and great to be able to give all of our S1s a tie as a welcome gift (although many were still practising tying it when I popped my head in to see them).  Our Senior Leadership Team delivered a virtual induction assembly to all pupils which also covered all the health and safety aspects of our return.

It will be fantastic to have all pupils back in school on Monday and an even bigger buzz around the building.

Health and Safety around the school

As part of the phased return pupils were taken through our health and safety procedures to be followed to keep themselves and others safe.  All pupils will be issued with s health and safety card on Monday to help remind them of their role in this. It would be great if parents/carers could look over this with them at home and re-enforce these to support the safety of all at school. Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms should not attend school but stay at home and you need to book a test through NHS Inform. You should also alert the school to this (and your young person's absence at all times). Thank you.  We all want to be safe in our learning and ensure we can get through this year with everyone staying well and everyone has their role to play in this. Please also see my letter to parents/carers about re-connecting at Knox Academy for more detailed information.  There has been one change on return to school. As you know from my communication with you, we are encouraging all families to send their young people to school with a ready-filled water bottle – please let your young person’s Pupil Support Leader know if there an issue providing one (email for Pupil Support Leaders in my letter – see link above). Refills will now be available at our four water dispensers in the school. Water bottles should be wide necked where possible to ensure they do not touch the dispenser/nozzle.

SQA results

It was welcome news that all schools’ estimates across Scotland will now be honoured and young people will now be issued with new certificates based on these.  If a pupil’s grade was put up by SQA this will also be honoured.  There will be an appeals process for those pupils who wishing to appeal school estimates and we await further advice from SQA in regard to this and we will let you know more once we hear.

We are delighted with our results at Knox Academy and would want to thank all of our pupils for their hard work and commitment to their learning, not just last session but over the years, that ensured that they did so well.  Our school value of AMBITION will continue this year in aiming to ensure we build on these results and learning experience for all of our young people so we continue to improve outcomes for all.


All pupils have now been issued with their new timetables. Mr Russell. DHT, is busy working to support those senior pupils who have requested course changes.  

Google Classroom Guardian Summary

Thanks to those parent/carers who have responded to the Guardian Summary consent form sent out in June. More information about this can be found on the school website and if you have not already done so you can access the form here. Please note that you need to do this with your young person as they need to use their Edubuzz login to access the form and you also need to do this for each child in your household separately.

Guardian Summaries allow parent(s)/carer(s) to receive regular updates about the work posted on their young person’s Google Classrooms. You are also able to control the frequency of these updates or decide to opt-out of receiving them at a later date (by Calum Blair, CL Numeracy and Computing).

Skills Development Scotland

My name is Chris Trotter and I provide career support from Skills Development Scotland to pupils at Knox Academy. Career Advisers are unable to attend school, but we continue working from home, and this is likely to be until at least October. With this in mind Skills Development Scotland still want to support pupils to develop their Career Management Skills to help them make career decisions that are right for them, as they move through school and eventually leave. I may be contacting your young person, if they are in the senior phase of the school, between now and October to discuss their plans for the year ahead, although you or your young person can also contact us at a time that suits you by calling our local Musselburgh office on 0131 665 3120. Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with your young person in the year ahead, (Chris Trotter. Careers Adviser)

Free School Meals/Clothing Grants

We are aware that some parents/carers circumstances may have changed as a result of Covid-19 and this may mean you are now eligible for Free School Meals and/or a Clothing Grant.  If you think this may apply to you, please visit the Free School Meals and Clothing Grants area of the East Lothian Council website for further information and the relevant forms. If you need help completing these forms there is support available on the website or alternatively please contact your young person’s Pupil Support Leader (Guidance teacher) who should also be able to help you via a telephone call/email.

Awards Evening

This will now take place on Wednesday 16 September.  Given the current guidelines from the Scottish Government this will be a virtual event. More information will follow soon.

School Handbook

Our updated school handbook is now available to read. Full of detailed information for parents and carers and well worth reading in readiness for the start of the new term in August.

Former Pupils’ News

Charlotte Smoth, who left Knox Academy a few years ago, has been awarded a First Class Honours in English and Theatre Studies by Glasgow University. She will now go to Bristol Old Vic who will facilitate her Post Graduate studies in Drama Writing


Most of our communication is by email to parents/carers so if you have still to provide us with your email please do so ASAP so you don’t miss out on any information from us.  Please send an email to to give us your email information. Thank you.

Have a good weekend and we will look forward to seeing all of our young people back on Monday.

Sue Cook