June 2022

Published: 24 June 2022

It was fantastic to have parents, carers and school partners join us last night at our Awards Ceremony to celebrate the successes of our pupils both in and out of school. We presented 277 awards last night for both academic attainment and achievement. We were also delighted that Irene Ogilvie, from Haddington Rotary, was able to join us to present the awards that they have given the school. It was so nice to come together, after two years, to have this as a live event and feel that true spirit of community. Last night’s event marks only one of the ways we celebrate the achievements of our pupils and complements our termly Diligence Awards, Achievement Ties and Hot Chocolate Friday’s.

We have also had our fifteen Pupil Leadership Team interviews going on this week and feedback from those conducting these is that they have been of a very high quality. Next week is the hustings and our candidates will share their manifestos with the wider school online and this will be followed by an Open to Question session on Wednesday. Following voting next Thursday, pupils will be informed of the outcome on Friday morning at 9am. I will be able to announce the new Pupil Leadership Team in my Head Teacher’s update that day. I know whoever is elected they will have all done an amazing job in applying!

Pupils’ News

S6 Rotary Youth Leadership Award

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is a Rotary International project with a proven record of personal development and leadership for young people. RYLA gives young people the opportunity to expand their horizons by developing leadership skills, increasing self-confidence, in addition to obtaining new skills and developing old ones, and returning a young person with enhanced attributes to benefit their current or future employer. Participants learn to work effectively as part of a team, discover the benefits of delegation, discover unexplored individual skills and work to tight deadlines. The week is designed to take the delegates out of their individual comfort zones, to recognise and develop them as individuals and team leaders, and each day finishing with an individual and team review.

The week-long project takes place in July 2022. 17-22 July is for girls; 22-27 July is for boys. This a great opportunity. If parents/carers could encourage their young people to sign up to this that would be great. If they are interested, they should see Mr Flood ASAP.  Thank you.

S3 Renewables Sessions

Some of our new S3 pupils have been very fortunate this week to have sessions with SSE Renewables and 3D to develop their plans for an offshore windfarm. Top quality presentations were given by all pupils – well done!


A group of pupils from Meadowpark and Knox Academy who have an interest in Manga got together to attend an online event in the library, where author Julian Sedgwick and illustrator Chie Kutsuwada spoke about their collaboration on the 2022 Carnegie-nominated book Tsunami Girl, followed by a session in which Chie Kutsuwada taught us how to draw a Manga figure, and in which we learnt more about this Japanese art form and culture. It was great fun and we had some fabulous pictures to show for it (By Ruth Fry, Librarian)

Parents’/Carers’ Information

SQA Results

These come out on 9 August 2022 and pupils can register to receive these by text or email at MySQA. If following these results they wish to request to be re-coursed, they should complete the  Google Form Mr Russell will send out to their EduBuzz accounts after results day. This can be completed prior to returning to school. No re-coursing request can be guaranteed as this will be dependent on spaces available in subjects.  We will do our best though! S5/6 pupil who request a re-coursing should follow their current timetables when they return until Mr Russell processes all requests. Thank you.

LGBT+ Pride

This week we have also been celebrating pride. The LGBT+ Allies group has tried to focus this year on supporting the LGBTQ+ community at Knox Academy and in the wider Haddington area. The group ran assemblies this week to raise awareness and to offer advice and support for the community and their allies. There were activities during registration and some subject specific LGBT+ lessons as well. Next session we are hoping to run a parent/carers LGBT+ support session and training. (By Nikki Stobie)

School Improvement – Session 2022-23

Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) for Session 2022-23 has now been finalised. Thank you to all parents who completed the questionnaire as some of the feedback from this helped direct our next steps, along with the feedback from pupils and staff in their questionnaire responses too. If you would like to feedback on our SIP please do contact the school via email. I have also produced a Parents Overview which you may find useful. Our updates on this session’s improvement plan (SQIP) can also be read here.

Pupils’ Achievements

Success Stories

If you have any success stories about your young person please send these in to our admin@knox.elc.school.org so we can share these with everyone in our school and community. Thank you.

Dates for your diary:

Friday 1 July                      End of Term (12.15pm)

Sue Cook

Covid-19 Update

The guidance for schools was updated on Monday 2 May.  From Sunday 1 May public health advice changed to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19. People who have symptoms of Covid-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to stay at home while they are unwell or have a fever. Pupils and staff will no longer be advised to take a PCR test. Full information on the stay at home guidance is available here. Continuing with our approaches to good hand hygiene, ventilation, physical distancing (where possible), and recommending face coverings be worn in social areas and larger gatherings will still be a feature until the end of the summer term.  Face coverings are still recommended on school transport too. Our latest Risk Assessment can be read here.

Parent Council

The Parent Council has requested a footer on my HT’s update that remains there year round and which offers quick links to remote learning resources, course choices, supported study and careers news. Clicking on these headings takes you straight to these pages.

Please also look at our website for lots of other information. Please also follow us on Twitter for up-to-date news on a day to day basis.

Please also remember to follow us at: www.ka-net.org.uk 96D4F7EE for the latest information and updates

Published: 17 June 2022

HT’s update 170622

It was great to have the school at full capacity again on Monday and Tuesday as our new S1 pupils joined us for the final days of their transition. They all seemed to really enjoy the experience and keen for August to come around to join us full time. They were brilliant on their days here and we have really high hopes about what they will achieve in their six years at the school. Thank you to the P7s, their teachers and parents for making it such a successful transition and we look forward to seeing them all on August 17.

I will be writing home to all parents/carers on the week before we start back in August so you will all have the information you need ahead of schedule for the first day back. For anyone wanting information about the school day, uniform, extra-curricular activities you can access this now in our School Handbook.

It was wonderful to catch up with our S6 Leavers at the Prom last night at the Glasshouse at Eskmills. They looked stunning in their beautiful dresses and suits. The meal was delicious too. We hope that they will all continue to keep in touch with us and let us know how they are getting on in life and, as former pupils, come back and inspire others at the school telling us about their successes.


We are interviewing for ASN Auxiliary on Monday 20th June

We appointed Jamie Smith on a permanent contract at Meadowpark – ASN Auxiliary

Currently advertised:

Class Teacher ASN – 1FTE Meadowpark

Class Teacher Attainment – Part time - Meadowpark

Pupils’ News

Sports Day

The finals took place on Tuesday and they were hotly contested across all age groups!  Well done to all who tried out at the qualifying rounds last week and to all those who made it to the finals day. It was brilliant having the whole school out on the playfields watching those competing and cheering them on. Staff gave the pupils a good run for their money in the 4 x 100m relays and also in the three legged races!  It really was a great afternoon and brought our school community together in a fun way. Many of our winners went on to compete at the County Sports yesterday and we came 3rd overall – a fantastic result!

Parents’/Carers’ Information

School Improvement – Session 2022-23

Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) for Session 2022-23 has now been finalised. Thank you to all parents who completed the questionnaire as some of the feedback from this helped direct our next steps, along with the feedback from pupils and staff in their questionnaire responses too. If you would like to feedback on our SIP please do contact the school via email. I have also produced a Parents Overview which you may find useful. Our updates on this session’s improvement plan (SQIP) can also be read here.

Blazer Fittings - S5/6

Border Embroideries will be visiting the school on the morning of Monday 20 June 2022 to allow senior pupils the opportunity to have a blazer fitting.

Mi-Fi Dongles

If you were issued with a Mi-Fi dongle by the school, to support internet connectivity during the period of remote learning, the contract we had from the Scottish Government will cease during the summer holidays.  This is due to the resumption of in-school learning during this session. Please ask your young person to hand their dongle in to the school office. Thank you.

Pupils’ Achievements

West Highland Way

Congratulations go to Callum Donohoe, Matthew Charbonnier, David Hayman, Hannah Pathirana (all S6) and Leila Maycock (S5), who recently completed the West Highland Way, over 7 days after all of their exams had finished. They began the 98 mile trek (unsupported) at Milngavie, on Monday 30th May, and reached the finish, at Fort William, on Sunday 5th June. Great use of navigation skills and I am sure they had lots of fun along the way too!


Dylan Pearman (new S6) recently completed in the Welsh Open Squash Championships even though in the boys U19's (Dylan is only 17). He came 11th overall, which is great as he is very young for this age group. His younger brother, Jamie (new S2) played in the U13's and won this age group! He was absolutely delighted and he managed to win all of his 4 matches 3-0. What a fantastic performance and experience for both boys.

Success Stories

If you have any success stories about your young person please send these in to our admin@knox.elc.school.org so we can share these with everyone in our school and community. Thank you.


Dates for your diary:

Thursday 23 June             Awards Evening (two sittings) - (a) 6-7pm and (b) 8-9pm

Friday 1 July                      End of Term (12.15pm)


Sue Cook


Covid-19 Update

The guidance for schools was updated on Monday 2 May.  From Sunday 1 May public health advice changed to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19. People who have symptoms of Covid-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to stay at home while they are unwell or have a fever. Pupils and staff will no longer be advised to take a PCR test. Full information on the stay at home guidance is available here. Continuing with our approaches to good hand hygiene, ventilation, physical distancing (where possible), and recommending face coverings be worn in social areas and larger gatherings will still be a feature until the end of the summer term.  Face coverings are still recommended on school transport too. Our latest Risk Assessment can be read here.

Parent Council

The Parent Council has requested a footer on my HT’s update that remains there year round and which offers quick links to remote learning resources, course choices, supported study and careers news. Clicking on these headings takes you straight to these pages.

Please also look at our website for lots of other information. Please also follow us on Twitter for up-to-date news on a day to day basis.

Please also remember to follow us at: www.ka-net.org.uk 96D4F7EE for the latest information and updates


Published: 10 June 2022

Last week we had our S3 Broad General Education and it was fantastic to celebrate the success of our young people’s first three years at Knox Academy and talk about the pathway ahead for their Senior Phase. Exciting times are ahead for them and we hope they will all give it their all in the year/years ahead so they maximise their potential.

We are now almost a week in to our new timetable and pupils have settled well in their new classes and, for many, new teachers. We aim to ensure that the first four weeks of the new timetable are meaningful and all our pupils use this month to start their year with enthusiasm and ambition.

It was lovely to meet with our new S1 pupils and their parents on Tuesday night at our P7>S1 Information Evening. It has been over two years since we welcomed parents en-masse to our school and it was great to be able to come together to explain what Knox Academy holds for their young people and for them to have a tour of the school. Today, Friday, is their first day at Knox Academy, as part of their transition visit and they are back again on Monday and Tuesday to get a two day experience of following their timetables. They all seem really keen and delighted to be here – and we are so pleased to see them too!  It has also been great to have some of our P7s up as part of the Pathfinders Programme and also to see others accessing some of our extra-curricular events.

As we start to prepare for the new term in August, I would like to share our school uniform letter. Our expectation is that all of our young people wear school uniform and that parents/carers also support this. This letter details what the uniform entails (and does not entail) and also gives information about applying for free meals and clothing grants should you be eligible (please do check this out as more people are eligible that they think). If you are entitled to free school meals please do take this up as it also helps support the school’s Pupil Equity Fund – so it helps us too – a win/win! Finally, if your young person has recently left school or has out grown any of their uniform, and it is still in good condition, we would be very grateful to have it – please hand it in to our office team. Thank you.


We have four probationer teachers joining us next session in English, Maths, Modern Studies and PE.  

Pupils’ News

SQA Appeals

After receiving results, if your young person thinks any of their grades don’t seem right, they may be able to appeal.

If their final grade is lower than their estimate, they may be able to make an appeal directly to SQA, or through the school. They should always discuss the discrepancy between their estimated grade and their final grade with their teachers first to determine whether the estimated grade and supporting evidence support an appeals request.

Estimates form a significant part of the eligibility criteria to appeal. Therefore, it is important that they are aware of their estimate and understand how this was decided.

If they have any questions about any of their estimates, it is important that you talk to their teachers as soon as possible (most young people have now).

If their appeal request is accepted, SQA will carry out a clerical check of their exam script and assignments. SQA appointees – practising teachers – will also review the assessment evidence that we send to SQA to decide their final grade. The final grade might be different to the estimate that we submitted. In this case, they will be awarded the higher of the two grades based on the two sources of evidence.

An appeal can be prioritised if you have a conditional place at university or college, or in training or employment that depends on your grade. Please confirm with us if you have a conditional offer as all priority appeals must be validated by Knox Academy. If you do have any questions you can email sqa@knox.elcschool.org.uk.

S4/5/6 Developing the Young Workforce Roadshow

The DYW Roadshow is set to take place at the EICC in Edinburgh on Thursday 16th June 2022, from 9am-6pm. The event will feature a range of organisations from the key sectors across the region and is free for young people, parents, and carers. We have booked 50 places for Knox pupils for the 1 pm - 2 pm slot and transport is provided.

If you are a young person looking to find your next step, DYW Roadshow will provide face to face interactions with employers and education/training providers offering jobs, apprenticeships, training, volunteering, college, and university courses to give you the full picture of your options when you leave school. Parents and carers can also take their young person along after school (4-6pm) to gain an understanding of the current and future landscape and the options available to their young person.

If you would like to attend, please give your name to Mr Flood or Mr Russell ASAP.

S4-S6 East Lothian Tutoring Initiative – Summer School

A fantastic opportunity for new S4, S5 and S6 pupils this summer! East Lothian Tutoring Initiative, who are partnered with Queen Margaret College University, are running a Summer School Fayre from Monday 4 July 2022 until Friday 8 July 2022.

Do your young people feel like they need a head start before they begin their National 5, Higher and Advanced Highers? Not up to much that week? Then they can  apply for a space, attend lots of exciting workshops, meet new people and feel more confident when you return to school in August.  Free lunches are provided every day as well as a £10 gift voucher for every participant! What is there not to like?!

If you have any questions please see Miss Campbell in the Maths Department. 

Parents’/Carers’ Information

Evening of Celebration/Awards Evening

This will take place on Thursday 23 June 2022. There will be two sittings – one from 6-7pm (S1 and S2) and a later one from 8-9pm (S3-S6). Parents/carers and those attending are welcome to wear face-coverings if they would like to and we will have the hall as aired as possible throughout the evening. Most young people who are getting an award have been notified or will be by the end of next week. Rehearsals for the ceremony will take place on Wednesday 22 June and all young people being presented with an award should attend this, in the Assembly Hall. S1/2 will be at 9am and S3-S6 rehearsal from 11.30am. Those young people who have left S4, S5 or S6 should also attend for this.

Blazer Fittings - S5/6

Border Embroideries will be visiting the school on the morning of Monday 20 June 2022 to allow senior pupils the opportunity to have a blazer fitting.


Pupils’ Achievements


Leo Harrison (S6) has been selected to represent Scotland by playing Football for Boys and Girls Clubs Scotland, in Wales, at the end of July this year.  He has also been successful in passing the first steps to securing a Scholarship to study and play football in USA so a very exciting time for him ahead and we are keen to support him as best as we can. To support the team going to Boys and Girls Clubs going to Wales there are a few opportunities available for businesses (or individuals) to get involved. The opportunities are your company’s logo on the team strip; the partnership will be announced on social media and adverts in the programmes. If you are interested in supporting the Scottish Teams (and Leo), please get in touch with us at admin@knox.elcschool.org.uk and put in the heading Scottish Football Sponsorship. Thank you.

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Two weeks ago saw 19 pupils rounding off their S3 year by completing their practice expedition as part of their Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze Award. The expedition took place over two days and the group put into practice all of the skills they have been learning in recent months to navigate their way around the East Lothian countryside.  Participants enjoyed some glorious weather on both days (for the most part - there were a few episodes of rain that is traditionally associated with DofE expeditions!) and found out the importance of orienting their maps correctly, keeping track of where they'd been and keeping an eye-out for their next checkpoints.

Over the last few months participants have also been working on the other requirements of the award - completing a period of volunteering in the community, working on improving a skill and working towards a goal in physical activities. They have also been trained on navigation skills over the last few months which, along with allowing them to navigate their way on their practice and qualifying expeditions, allows them to achieve a further award (the National Navigation Award Scheme Outdoor Discovery Award). The group needs to complete a qualifying expedition to gain their full DofE Bronze award which is likely to take place early in the next school session.

Pupils in the new S3 cohort should look out for bulletin notices in the coming weeks advertising the start of the next DofE Bronze Award programme. (By G Boyle and P Gilholm)


The Haddstock Knox Project film can now be viewed on YouTube and highlights the great musical talent we have at the school. This film was shown at the recent Haddstock Festival.  

Success Stories

If you have any success stories about your young person please send these in to our admin@knox.elc.school.org so we can share these with everyone in our school and community. Thank you.

Dates for your diary:

Thursday 16 June             S6 Prom

Thursday 23 June             Awards Evening (two sittings) - (a) 6-7pm and (b) 8-9pm

Friday 1 July                      End of Term (12.15pm)

Sue Cook

Covid-19 Update

The guidance for schools was updated on Monday 2 May.  From Sunday 1 May public health advice changed to a ‘stay at home’ message replacing self-isolation for people who have symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19. People who have symptoms of Covid-19 and who have a fever or are too unwell to carry out normal activities will be asked to stay at home while they are unwell or have a fever. Pupils and staff will no longer be advised to take a PCR test. Full information on the stay at home guidance is available here. Continuing with our approaches to good hand hygiene, ventilation, physical distancing (where possible), and recommending face coverings be worn in social areas and larger gatherings will still be a feature until the end of the summer term.  Face coverings are still recommended on school transport too. Our latest Risk Assessment can be read here.

Parent Council

The Parent Council has requested a footer on my HT’s update that remains there year round and which offers quick links to remote learning resources, course choices, supported study and careers news. Clicking on these headings takes you straight to these pages.

Please also look at our website for lots of other information. Please also follow us on Twitter for up-to-date news on a day to day basis.

Please also remember to follow us at: www.ka-net.org.uk 96D4F7EE for the latest information and updates