Learner Pathway Meetings
This week Chris Trotter, from Skills Development Scotland, has started to meet with S2 pupils for a 10-15 minute discussion about their subject choices and the relationship they have careers.
Chris has also been speaking at PSE classes this week and the key message he has been giving to the S2 pupils is that careers post school is just one aspect to consider when making subject choices. He has also stressed that pupils should not worry if they don’t know what they want to do yet as their will be lots of support to help them with this as they progress through school. Some pupils will already know what career pathway they wish to pursue and Chris will make sure he guides them in the right direction in terms of subject choice, whilst helping others to select subjects that keep their options open.
The senior phase prelim exams are now well under way. For the remainder of the prelims it is worth reminding pupils that they need to check the timetable of exams in detail and turn up at the correct venue, in plenty of time. Pupils must also come to the exam with all the equipment they need.
Pupils in S1-3 should make every effort to move around the building in a quiet and calm fashion to avoid disrupting the exam candidates.
Parent Council
A quick reminder that PC Shaun Cruden, our Community Link Police Officer will be our guest at our Parent Council meeting this coming Tuesday evening. He will be offering advice about ‘How to keep your young person safe’ and themes around this too. All parents/carers are welcome to attend.
Diligence Awards
Diligence nominations, from subject teachers, are given to those pupils who have demonstrated hard work and commitment, on a day to day basis, throughout Term 1 (August – December). We hope to issue these certificates just before the end of term.
These certificates will detail all subjects they have been nominated in. The ultimate aim is for pupils to be nominated in all of their subjects. If they are not, the goal for term two (January – April) is to aim higher and achieve this. The idea behind these awards is to create ambition (one of our school values) and raise attainment and achievement through sustained effort and commitment to their studies, thus ensuring they achieve their potential. These are really important awards and parents/carers should review these with their young person to identify their successes and also support them where ‘subjects’ missing require more sustained effort. More information on our diligence awards is available by clicking on this link Diligence Awards.
Christmas Dances
Tickets are on sale now for both the junior (S1-S3) and senior (S4-S6) Christmas Dances. These can be purchased via School Pay at a cost of £3 each. Tickets for the S1-S3 dance should be purchased before the end of the day on Monday 4 December and tickets for the senior dance should be purchased before the end of the day on Monday 11 December 2023. It’s going to be a great night. Thank you to all staff and the PTA for supporting these events as it is their goodwill that makes these possible - it is much appreciated.
Christmas Concert
The Music Department will be hosting their annual Knox Academy Christmas Concert 2023 on Thursday 21 December 2023 at 7pm (Doors open 6:30pm). Tickets sales commence today and can be purchased from in the Music Department at break times. The cost £4 adult, £2 under 18s
The Music Department is also excited to be rehearsing the entire S1 year group (9 classes) to create an S1 Christmas Choir. The choir will perform The Bells of Christmas Medley at the Matinee Christmas Concert. Each S1 will be allocated one free ticket for a parent/carer which can be collected during Music class. All S1s should be in full school uniform for the performance on Thursday 21st December at 2pm. Please encourage your young person to practise their part using the content posted on their Google Classroom. We will also have guests from local Nursing Homes and p7s from local Primary schools attending.
School Uniform
I am sure we have all been affected by the cost of living crisis. As a school, we want to make coming to school each day as accessible as possible. Recently we have been aware that the standard of dress code has slipped with young people arriving not appropriately dressed for school and in such things as sportswear and tops that are short/cropped. Whilst we appreciate that our school uniform doesn’t keep up with the latest trends, it is about being functional rather than fashionable and young people saving these other clothes for their leisure time. Uniform is also important for safety in the school as it allows us, at a glance, to know that pupils in the school building are ours.
Our school uniform is detailed here. The following are not part of our uniform and should not be worn to school: non-black trousers, ripped trousers, crew neck jumpers, leggings/sports leggings, jogging bottoms, hooded tops (banned over three years ago for safety reasons) and tops which are short/cropped.
If your young person doesn’t have uniform, or needs items replaced, we have a uniform bank with both brand new and high quality pre-loved clothing which we can arrange for them to have discreetly. Information about financial support/clothing grants can also be found in this link. Thank you for your support of this and hopefully it will also keep costs down for families as well as supporting our approaches to equity and inclusion at the school.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Pupil Support Team by emailing your young person’s House Team garleton@knox.elcschool.org.uk, lammerlaw@knox.elcschool.org.uk, traprain@knox.elcschool.org.uk if you would like to discuss any support we can offer.
Please do shop at Tesco (Haddington) and use the blue tokens you are given at the checkout to pop in the Knox Academy Breakfast Club unit (near Customer Services). It would be great if we could be awarded the £3000 to help us in setting this club up for the young people at the school. You can deposit your blue tokens until 14 January 2024. Thank you for your support with this – as they say at Tesco, “Every little helps.”
Success Stories
Huge congratulations to our Under 16s team (a mixed team with Dunbar Grammar School) who, following a win against St Columba’s on Saturday, now progress to the final of the Boys U16s National Schools Plate. This will take place at Edinburgh Rugby Stadium on Wednesday 6 December when they will play Lomond & Helensburgh (4pm kick off).
Drama/Music pupils
Last weekend four of our Drama pupils worked alongside Haddington Community Council members to help judge the local shop windows’ Christmas display and choose a winner. They also assisted at the turning on of the Christmas lights, spreading the cheer in their elves outfits. Well done to Freya Hennessy (S6) who sang 'Light of the World' for the switching on of the Haddington Christmas Lights on Sunday 26 November. Credit also goes to former pupil, Hannah Beevors, for stepping in to help Radio Saltire with the sound - thank you!
The Chair of Haddington Community Council commended their contribution to the community - they were a credit to the school and put a smile on lots of faces in Haddington!
*Please do email us and let us know about your young person’s achievements out of school so we can include them in our updates to our community. Thank you.
Dates for your diary:
5 December – Parent Council – 6.30-8pm (School library – all welcome)
7 December – S1-S3 Christmas Dance
13 December – S4-S6 Christmas Dance
21 December – Christmas Concert – 7pm
Our school calendar is updated regularly and should be used to access all information throughout the year and allows you to plan ahead too.
Sue Cook
Parent Council
The Parent Council has requested a footer on my HT’s update that remains there year round and which offers quick links to remote learning resources, course choices, supported study and careers news. Clicking on these headings takes you straight to these pages.
Please also look at our website for lots of other information. Please also follow us on Twitter for up-to-date news on a day to day basis.
Please also remember to follow us at: www.ka-net.org.uk @knoxacademyHT for the latest information and updates.