Depute Head Teacher (acting). This post is now live on My Job Scotland and interviews will take place on Friday 10 May.
The SQA exam diet began on Monday and the exams have gone well so far. Pupils are reporting feeling well prepared and are happy with the papers. If you have a young person doing exams please remind them to bring everything they need for the exam, and that mobile phones and smart watches are not allowed in the exam hall, or any other venue an exam is taking place.
MMR Vaccinations
The Community Vaccine Team will be in school on Monday 3rd June administering M.M.R (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccinations to those pupils from S1-S3 who NEVER received the immunisations as an infant. Vaccination consent letters will be given to these pupils in the next couple of days.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella are highly infectious diseases that can cause serious illness and medical complications. The Vaccination packs being sent home contain a useful leaflet with more information.
Blazer Fittings (S4 and S5)
A reminder that these take place next week on Tuesday, 30 April. Border Embroideries is hosting a Blazer Sales/Fitting Event for S4s and S5s. This will take place in Knox Academy Library from 2pm-7p.m. Orders of blazers and payment will be possible at this Event. For more information please contact Alison Swallow on 01620 823387.
Following on from William Gold’s win in Dumfries, he competed in the Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Championships in Livingston last weekend. Out of twenty-one competitors in his category he came first, proudly wearing his Knox Academy tie. He is now the U14 solo piping champion for Edinburgh, the Lothians and Borders. A huge well done to William!
Congratulations to Hamish Mainstone and Andrew Millar (S4) who played for the U16s Edinburgh Rugby team at the weekend, at Murrayfield Stadium. They beat Glasgow Warriors in an amazing match to win 50-29 and the Cup!
Congratulations to Isla (U17s) and Phoebe Hamilton (U15s), who have both been selected to represent Scotland in the European Championship in Portugal at the start of May. Jamie Pearman will also be there competing in these championships too. We wish them all the very best for brilliant performances on the days they are competing.
Please do contact us to let us know of any of your young person’s achievements out of school so we can celebrate these too. Thank you.
Dates for your diary:
22 April – Friday 31 May - SQA exam leave for S4/5/6 pupils
6 May - holiday (all pupils/staff)
13-17 May – S1-S3 Activities Week
16 May – Parent Council – 6.30-8pm (school library)
20 May - holiday (pupils only) - those sitting exams must still attend these
24 May – S3 BGE Graduation (Pupils only)
27-31 May – S3 Work Experience
3 June – start of new timetable for all year groups
Our school calendar is updated regularly and should be used to access all information throughout the year and allows you to plan ahead too.
Sue Cook
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remote learning resources, course choices, supported study and careers news. Clicking on these headings takes you straight to these pages.
Please also look at our website for lots of other information. Please also follow us on Twitter for up-to-date news on a day to day basis.
Please also remember to follow us at: @knoxacademyHT for the latest information and updates.