August 2008

Published: 13 August 2008

The August Pack was sent to all households on Wednesday 13th August, included in the pack is a calendar for Session 2008/2009.  Unfortunately there is an error in this document, Monday 20th April 2009 is shown as being a holiday however this is not the case.  Pupils and staff resume on Monday 20th April 2009 following the Easter break.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Please note that the session dates included in the August Pack are accurate.


Published: 11 August 2008

Knox Academy’s Junior Rugby team will have a new look strip from this year, with Rhino Rugby designing the new modern strip. The strip will be on sale at Leisure Time Sports.


Published: 10 August 2008

Knox Academy will be launching the Parentmail system in August 2008.  This allows us to communicate with parents via email, where appropriate, reducing our reliance on 'pupil post' and ensuring we are doing our bit for the environment by cutting down on unneccessary photocopying.

If you are a parent/carer of Knox Academy and you have not already signed up for Parentmail but wish to do so, please contact the school office at or 01620 823387 for more information.

Parents/carers who have not signed up for Parentmail will continue to receive hard copy correspondance.  Any items of a confidential or personal nature will continue to be sent home via pupil post or the Royal Mail.