September 2010

Published: 29 September 2010

The Biology Department are holding an event called Ecolife in the School Assembly Hall and Social Area on Thursday 4 November from 7 pm.

We just wanted to let you know a bit about it and to ask for a few wee favours!

The evening is for pupils, parents and members of the community to attend.  The event will have stalls with eco crafts and jewellery, eco food, plants, information stalls about what we are doing in school and how to become more eco friendly at home.  As part of the evening we will have a 'swap in the city' clothing, book, computer game and DVD exchange where people can bring in unwanted items and swap them for something they would like.  In addition to this we plan to have an eco fashion show during the evening where pupils model clothes from the local charity shops.  We will also be offering refreshments in the form of local goodies and home baking. 

What we need help with is:

  • Volunteers to help on the evening itself
  • Donations of clothes/jewellery / DVDs / books / CDs/ computer games
  • Any other ideas or suggestions you may have

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Slowther, Miss Ward, or Dr Wilson via the school office on 01620 823387 or via email.

Published: 27 September 2010

The English Department are very pleased to announce the winners of the International Literacy Day Competition 2010.  Pupils were tasked with writing a short story on the subject of 'change'.  143 entries were received (all pupils in S1). 

The Advanced HIgher English class were tasked with the difficult job of deciding the 3 winning entries.

The winning entries were:

  • The Love of the Wind by Alexa Jennifer Hay 1L1
  • The Polar Bear by Robbie Murray 1T1
  • The Prince and the Scruffy Girl by Chloe Craig 1L2


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Published: 16 September 2010

Pupils wishing to have their Higher and Intermediate art work returned from the SQA should bring £5.50 to the Art Department by Friday 24 September.

Cheques should be made payable to East Lothian Council.


Published: 14 September 2010

A reminder to staff and pupils that the school is closed on Monday 20 September for the Autumn Holiday.

School resumes on Tuesday 21 September at 8.44 am.

Published: 08 September 2010

Activities Week Trip lists have now been published and are on display on the notice boards at the school front office.

Pupils must see their Trip Leader to get essential paperwork from them.

Deposits of £100 must be received to secure pupil places.

Questions concerning individual trips should be directed towards the Trip Leader in the first instance.  This can be done via the School Office on 01620 823387 or by email.

If any pupil wishes to move to another trip, they must speak to the both the leader of the trip that they wish to leave, and also the trip that they now wish to go on.

Published: 03 September 2010

Pupils can now collect order forms for Leckie & Leckie and Bright Red past papers from Mr Plain.

The order deadline is 17th September 2010.



Edinburgh University

S5/6 pupils can apply for a Edinburgh University Library reference card. The card allows access to the the book and printed journal collection at Edinburgh University.

Reference cards are issued until the end of June 2011. To apply for a card please see Mr Plain before September 17th.

Queen Margaret University

Pupils in S5/6 can apply for an external membership card with Queen Margaret University. There is no charge for the card but you will be asked for a refunable deposit of £20.

The card allows pupils to borrow 2 items from the univeristy's 21 day loan collection.

For more information about Queen Margaret University external membership please see Mr Plain.

Published: 02 September 2010

Some fantastic dramatical opportunities for pupils at Knox Academy:


Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street!

Academy productions are proud to announce that after the sucess of the 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' we will be returning in December with our new production of 'Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street' the play version. 

Auditions will be held shortly - see posters around the school for further details.


Theatre Arts Workshops

Come along on Tuesdays after school to learn about stage makeup, creating old bruises, cuts and other special theatrical effects.

Places limited so first come, first served!

Starts Tuesday 7 September in Drama Studio 2 from 4 pm until 5 pm.


S1 Monday Drama Club

Learn about slapstick, exaggerated movement and have fun with masks after school – Starting Monday 6 September from 4 pm until 5 pm in Drama Studio 2.

All welcome!