As a result of the adverse weather, the evening rehearsal for the East Lothian Schools Orchestra at Musselburgh Grammar School on Thursday 1 March 2018 has been cancelled.
A Message from Miss Turbayne
As a result of the adverse weather, the evening rehearsal for the East Lothian Schools Orchestra at Musselburgh Grammar School on Thursday 1 March 2018 has been cancelled.
A Message from Miss Turbayne
Knox Academy has recently updated its Safeguarding Policy which can be viewed in the Policies and Procedures section of our website.
Safeguarding can be defined as "Protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes”.
The purpose of this policy is:
All parents and carers are very welcome to attend the Parent Council AGM which will be held in school on Wednesday 7 March at 6.15 pm. Knox Academy is privileged to have an active, supportive Parent Council, with very enjoyable, informative meetings. Do come along if you would like to find out more about the work of the PC.
The Sports Extra-Curricular Timetable for Term 2 this session is now available.
Knox Sports wonderful volunteers provide a range of activities, classes and sessions to help improve everyone's health and well-being.
Whether it's Dance, Yoga or a Team Sport we aim to provide something for everyone. If you haven’t been involved in something this term yet – There is never a better time to get started then Right Now!
For any further information on any of our programs or if you think you could help us to start a new program, please get in touch by contacting: Mr Steve Wands (Sport and Physical Active Schools Co-ordinator) by phone (07969 428 526) or Email
East Lothian Council have extended the consultation period until 30 April 2018 following a request from members of the community.
Take this opportunity and have your say!
Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership has been working with East Lothian Council and local community partners to identify a suitable location in Haddington for a community shelter.
This has arisen following a request from young people for a place where they could meet to socialise in Haddington and was first raised when the Area Partnership began developing their Area Plan in 2014. The request was duly noted as a potential outcome in the Area Plan and then gained further momentum during the construction of the skatepark on Whittingehame Drive in 2016.
In early 2017, a survey of some local young people was carried out which identified the area around Tynebank Road, Haddington as being their preferred location. East Lothian Council have also agreed that this is their preferred location for a shelter. The Area Partnership has previously supported the design, build and installation of a shelter in Garvald and has already committed funding to install a similar shelter in Haddington.
A consultation seeking views on this proposed location has now begun. For more details, and to take complete the online survey. Alternatively please email your comments to Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership at by no later than Friday 9 March 2018.
We would like to invite our parents/carers along to our Home Learning Evening on Tuesday 6 March 2018 in the school assembly hall. This is open to parents/carers of pupils in all year groups and will focus on the launch of our new Home Learning Policy and also give you some information on our new digital communication platform for home learning activities known as Show My Homework. The programme for the evening is below.
6.30pm – Welcome from the Head Teacher
6.35pm – Presentation from Mrs Falconer (DHT) - Our new Home Learning Policy
6.45pm - Presentation from Mrs Falconer (DHT) – Show My Homework, a new resource to support home learning.
7pm – Five 10 minute workshops on supporting Home Learning. The workshops will focus on the following;
7.50pm – Closing Remarks – Head Teacher
We do hope you are able to attend and that you will find the evening informative and helpful. To this end, we would be grateful if you could use the link to register your interest in attending and help with our planning. Please complete this by Friday 2 March 2018 and note that we are limited to 2 people attending per family, due to limited space in the hall. Pupils are welcome to attend.
Caroline Falconer
Depute Head Teacher
Are you aged between 16 and 19 and currently in full time education or undertaking an Activity Agreement?
If so, you may be entitled to an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) are a means-tested award providing financial support to eligible 16 to 19 year olds who want to continue learning. Winter leavers were sent a pack inviting them to submit their application in November 2017. In order to back date payments to the start of the January term, we must receive the form back by 28 February 2018 – any eligible applications received after this date cannot be backdated, the payments will be made from the date the application is received.
The cut-off date for processing applications for the 2017/2018 School Year is 31 March 2018, any application received after this date will not receive an EMA.
Applications will be available in July 2018 for the 2018/2019 School Session.
Information on financial thresholds and residency requirements can be found on the East Lothian Council Website, by email, or telephone on 01620 827581 or 01620 827835
For information on Activity Agreements please call East Lothian Works on 01620 827262.
Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership has been working with East Lothian Council and local community partners to identify a suitable location in Haddington for a community shelter.
This has arisen following a request from young people for a place where they could meet to socialise in Haddington and was first raised when the Area Partnership began developing their Area Plan in 2014. The request was duly noted as a potential outcome in the Area Plan and then gained further momentum during the construction of the skatepark on Whittingehame Drive in 2016.
In early 2017, a survey of some local young people was carried out which identified the area around Tynebank Road, Haddington as being their preferred location. East Lothian Council have also agreed that this is their preferred location for a shelter. The Area Partnership has previously supported the design, build and installation of a shelter in Garvald and has already committed funding to install a similar shelter in Haddington.
A consultation seeking views on this proposed location has now begun. For more details, and to take complete the online survey. Alternatively please email your comments to Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership at by no later than Friday 9 March 2018.
Knox Academy is pleased to invite applications for the following vacancies:
Closing Date: Sunday 25 February 2018
Closing Date: Sunday 4 March 2018
School Day Timings
As you know, we have been carrying out a 5-week pilot of changed school day timings, with a shortened lunch break and an earlier finish. Thank you to all those parents and carers who shared their opinions on the change: 53% of parents who responded prefer the new timing; 33% of parents who responded prefer the original timing; other respondents do not feel strongly about it either way. Staff who responded are 100% in favour of the new timing. Pupil feedback has come via talking to pupils informally around the school at lunchtime and via register classes: pupils’ opinions are mixed but, overall, more register classes are in favour of the change than against it. What is very noticeable is that pupils are now more positive about the new timing than they were before we started the pilot. One of their concerns - not having enough time to eat their lunch in 45 minutes - has not been the problem they expected for most pupils. The other concern was that there would not be as much time for lunchtime activities. Of course this is the case, but pupils report that, generally, they have already got used to the shorter time.
Taking account of all the feedback, we have decided that we will continue with the 45 minute lunch break and the school finish of 3.50 pm for the rest of the school session.
Thank you again to all parents and carers who took the time to provide feedback.
All S2 pupils will receive this letter: S2 History Trip Letter (8 February 2018) detailing arrangements for the S2 History trip to Discovery Point, Dundee. This will take place on Thursday 8 March 2018.
There are only 30 places and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis (ie all appropriate paperwork returned and money paid). Forms will be accepted from Tuesday 20 February 2018.
All forms must be completed and handed in by Thursday 22 February 2018 at the latest (lunchtime).
The coursing days for S3 pupils are on Tuesday 20 February and Thursday 22 February 2018. Pupils were issues with coursing appointment letters at registration on Friday 2 February.
The following resources are now available on the school website:
Pencaitland Road, HADDINGTON, East Lothian, EH41 4DT
01620 823387 | Contact via Email
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Our vision at Knox Academy is: Always to choose kindness and create a respectful environment where staff and pupils can inspire each other to achieve their goals and become life-long learners.