March 2019

Published: 30 March 2019

MIIXER cic have reopened their retail outlet on a permanent basis on Musselburgh High Street (used to be Store 21).  This is a third sector initiative that works in partnership with Waste Services. On the last Sunday of each month kids clothes will be free.

Each family can take up to 2 kg of children’s clothes (including shoes) which must be checked out at the counter so that they can record weights. MIIXER cic will be trialling this initiative for the first three months to ascertain demand. If they cannot supply to meet demand from current donations they may have to work towards a referral system/expansion of the donation bank network or a combination of both.

This is a fantastic opportunity to tackle deprivation.  School uniforms and wellies are free every day and anyone requiring a suit for interview will also be assisted in the same way. 

Published: 27 March 2019

On Thursday 25 April 2019 at 6:30pm in T.4 (CDT), there will be a parents meeting for all students attending the S3 Activities Week trip to Paris. It is important that parents attend this meeting as we provide important information about the trip itinerary, times for drop off and pick up, and what to pack. It is also essential that students hand in their passports and EHIC cards at this meeting. If you have any questions, please see Miss McBride.

Published: 26 March 2019

After the voting, which closed on Friday, the following ties have been selected. 

House Tie B won narrowly and the Achievement Ties A1/A2 won by over 150 votes, compared with the Achievement Tie with no gaps between the bands.

A reminder of the images can be seen on the original Have Your Say information news story.

The House Ties will feature:

  • Thin green band for Garleton
  • Thin yellow band for Lammerlaw
  • Thin red band for Traprain

Achievement Ties will come in two different versions:

  • one gold band and House colour
  • two gold bands and House colour

Assemblies will be held to explain the criteria for Achievement Ties (not linked to attainment which is different).  

The Achievement Review Group will meet soon to ensure agreement on the criteria for an Achievement Tie.  There are parents, staff and pupils on this group.  This group will meet twice yearly to look at nominations for Achievement Ties – which can be made by staff, pupils, parents/carers and community partners.

Published: 26 March 2019

Families, living in East Lothian, are invited to join the Venturing Out Team (in partnership with East Lothian Council) for a day of water and land based activities. This marks the launch of Venturing Out’s 2019 ASN Adventurous Activities Provision.

The event is open to East Lothian families whose children have an additional support need that prevents access to mainstream activity.

Musselburgh Lagoons 11am to 1.30pm or 2pm to 4pm

The aims of this programme are as follows:

  • Enable access to adventurous activities by removing barriers to participation 
  • Engage, inspire and empower children and families through developing relationships, widening their view on what is possible and building confidence and competence 
  • Providing a socially inclusive setting, whereby children can mix with peers, siblings and adults
  • Opportunities to raise self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience through facing challenges and new experiences in a variety of settings
  • Create an environment where families can connect, share experiences and build networks

To book a place, visit the Venturing Out website or contact Claire by email.

Published: 26 March 2019

Are you interested in joining our 100 Club to help the school fundraise and have the chance of winning some prizes for yourself?

In addition to the fundraising events Knox Academy PTA runs a monthly draw called the 100 Club with a cash prize winner guaranteed. In June and September the winner gets £100 as there is no draw in July or August.  In all other months the prize is £50.

All for as little as £3 a month!

Full details of the 100 Club along with how it works and how to join can be viewed here.

You can contact the PTA via email if you have any other questions.

Published: 25 March 2019

Please vote for us to support Knox Academy's Activities Week!

Voting will take place in-store between Wednesday 1 May 2019 and Sunday 30 June 2019.

As I am sure many of you know, Knox Academy's Activities Week provides pupils with access to a whole range of different extra-curricular activities. The aim of the week is to allow pupils in S1-S3 to gain important skills that than in turn allow them to become a successful, valuable and responsible member of their community. Experiences in the past have included a huge variety of different activities such as cooking, mindfulness, mountain biking, sailing, build a band, cultural excursions and arts/crafts. Pupils are able to gain life skills, independence, resilience, accountability, all while having fun.

I cannot put it into words the difference these experiences make to our pupils, the only issue is that for some of them it is no longer an option to take part due to financial restrictions, however, thanks to various funding opportunities Knox Academy is breaking down this barrier!

Published: 22 March 2019

We look forward to welcoming our S4-S6 pupils to our extra supported study sessions being held on the afternoon of Friday 29 March 2019 from 12.45 pm until 2.15 pm.

Take full advantage of this opportunity to improve your understanding and develop exam technique further.

The full range of Study Sessions on offer can be viewed below or downloaded.

Published: 22 March 2019

Letters have been issued via pupils (if we already have an email address on file for you) or by Royal Mail (if we do not have an email address on file for you) informing parents of a change to our main communication method.   We will be reducing our use of text messaging and email will be our main form of contact for whole school/year group information. 

This is separate to our daily updates to our website which, if you are not already subscribed to, you can do via our NewsDesk

Published: 18 March 2019

We have been working with pupils, parents and staff reviewing our approaches to recognition of achievement and the House profiles. Information on how to vote is at the bottom of this article...

House Tie
From these discussions it has been agreed to move forward with a House tie, which will immediately link the pupil with their House and will form part of our school uniform from session 2020/2021.

All pupils should vote for either Option A (thick band) or Option B (thin band).

Achievement Tie
The Achievement ties will be awarded for a significant piece of work, winning awards, representing teams over the seasons and also for ‘diligence in their school work over the year’. 

The Achievement ties use a gold band combined with the relevant House colour.

BGE ties will have a single gold band, while Senior ties will have a double/thicker gold band.

For this vote choose either A1/A2 or B.

How to Have Your Say

  • Pupils will be asked to express their opinion in Registration Class votes. 
  • Parents/Carers are encouraged to respond to the Twitter Polls (House Tie Poll | Achievement Tie Poll) to show their preferences.
  • Staff and community partner votes also welcome!

The House ties use Lammerlaw as an example, while the Achievement ties use Traprain as the example.

Published: 18 March 2019

It’s been three months since the Best Start Pregnancy Payment was introduced and the Scottish Government has launched a national advertising campaign to encourage take-up of this grant. Adverts are appearing on radio, outdoor advertising and in social media.

Parents or carers in receipt of a qualifying benefit or tax credit can apply from the 24th week of pregnancy up until their child is 6 months old. A one-off cash payment of £600 is available for a first child then £300 for each younger sibling to help cover some of the costs of having children.

To find out more visit their website or phone the Freephone helpline 0800 182 2222.

Published: 18 March 2019

This is an opportunity for parents, carers and guardians of LEAPS-eligible S5 pupils to come and find out more about the support LEAPS can offer a student who is planning to apply to higher education in S6, as well as providing the chance to speak to university admissions staff and SAAS about higher education options and funding via an exhibition. 

This evening will take place on Wednesday 27 March 2019 from 7-9 pm at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh Campus, Riccarton).

Students are also very welcome to attend.

Find out more information about this event and register at the LEAPS Parents Website.

What is LEAPS?

LEAPS is a widening participation programme which aims to encourage and advise students who are traditionally under-represented in higher education. We support young people in South East Scotland, raising aspirations and providing impartial advice about higher education. We currently work with 59 schools throughout South East Scotland, supporting pupils who match LEAPS eligibility criteria.

Published: 15 March 2019

School session dates have now been published by East Lothian Council for Session 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.

Downloadable documents are available on our website: School Info > Session Dates
