November 2020

Published: 26 November 2020

Senior Students are reminded that Prelims start on Wednesday 2 December 2020.

Timetable of Prelim Exams

Personalised timetable letters were issued to registration classes on Friday 27 November 2020. Note: if any student notices an error or conflict we would ask them to speak with their class teacher as soon as possible.

We are encouraging a flexible approach to study for the duration of the prelims Wednesday 2 December 2020 – Thursday 10 December 2020 inclusive. Pupils should be in classes on Monday & Tuesday next week (w/c 30 November 2020), and back in on Friday 11 December 2020. Between these times they are welcome in the building to follow their normal timetabled classes, but we are assuming the majority will work from home and treat this as study leave.

Published: 23 November 2020

Due to the current Covid19 restrictions, we are unable to invite you into the school, and therefore we are running our parents’ evenings via GoogleMeet.  GoogleMeets are secure on-line video meetings through Google accounts (within East Lothian Council, Google accounts are our edubuzz system). 

Full details available in letter issued 18 November 2020 from our Depute Head, Alice Clubb.

Published: 19 November 2020

e-Sgoil is delighted to offer you an extensive range of live, free, early evening webinar lessons to compliment school-based learning.

Weekly, 45 minute webinars for various subjects which will build on flipped learning materials shared in advance. The webinars will be scheduled out with the school day - beginning early September 2020 and continuing into the New Year. 

Please note that AH Biology, Chemistry, English, Maths and Modern Studies are delivered in partnership with Glasgow Caledonian University and last for 90 minutes.

Click on image above to enlarge timetable.

Published: 18 November 2020

As you will be aware, the First Minister has announced that East Lothian will move in to COVID-19 protection level 2 from Tuesday 24th November 2020. Parents and carers will recall that protection level 3 had additional enhanced protective measures. These included the need for all staff and pupils to wear a face covering during lessons in the senior phase. In addition, there was also the need for parents and carers to discuss with their clinician whether children with the highest clinical risk should still attend school. Full details available in letter issued 18 November from Lesley Brown, Chief Operating Officer (Education).

Published: 18 November 2020

As you will be aware, based on the Depute First Minister’s statement in October, there will be no National 5 exams in session 20/21.  Full details available in letter issued 18 November from our Head Teacher.

Published: 18 November 2020

As you will be aware, based on the Depute First Minister’s statement in October, there will be no exams for National 5 candidates in session 20/21.  Full details available in letter issued 18 November from our Head Teacher.

Published: 18 November 2020

East Lothian Council has published a further set of revised session dates for 2020-2021 as a result of COVID-19 which amend the Christmas Holiday dates.  

"Following on from an Education Committee meeting, East Lothian Council has revised its festive session dates to align with our neighbouring authorities.  The revision of dates also helps address any potential issues that may arise in relation to possible positive Covid19 cases and the requirement to carry out contact tracing amongst pupils and staff once schools have closed.  Therefore the last day of this term will be brought forward by one day to Tuesday 22 December 2020 and the start of the new term will be brought forward by one day to Wednesday 6 January 2021."

Published: 12 November 2020

Higher and Advanced Higher Prelims

As previously shared in a letter to parents/carers last week, our planned diet of prelims for Higher/Advanced Higher will take place from Wednesday 2nd until Thursday 10th December 2020. Full details available in letter issued 12 November 2020.

Published: 06 November 2020

On 7 October 2020 the Deputy First Minister (DFM), John Swinney, announced that there would be no external exams for National 5 candidates in 2021. He also announced that there will be exams for Higher/Advanced Higher pupils in May/June 2021. The DFM also stated that the intention to hold exams for Higher/Advanced Higher pupils would be reviewed again in February, in line with the evolving picture of Covid-19, and to plan contingencies should they be deemed no longer able to proceed based on public health advice. Full details available in letter issued 6 November 2020 from our Head Teacher.

Published: 04 November 2020

Thanks to those of you who managed to join us for our first virtual parents’ evening last night.  I think it was a learning experience for us all, and anecdotal feedback so far has been positive.

Could you please spend a few minutes giving us some formal feedback about how the parents’ evening worked for you, and how we might better improve the experience in future. We are also seeking the views from teachers and from the young people themselves.

Knox Academy will use this information to plan for further parental engagement throughout the Covid19 recovery, but we will also share key points with the other secondary schools in the authority who have not yet had parents’ evenings yet to help them plan for similar sessions.

Thanks again,

Mrs A Clubb

Published: 02 November 2020

I hope this letter is helpful in summarising some of the key points in relation to the updated guidance we have received. By following the guidance as well as national public health advice, we can all play our part in tackling COVID-19. This virus will continue to be present challenges for some time to come, but together we will get through this difficult period.

Read the full letter from Lesley Brown, Head of Education and Children's Services

Published: 01 November 2020

Knox Academy is pleased to invite applications for the following vacancy:

Closing Date: Sunday 8 November 2020

All current and previous vacancies can be viewed within our Recruitment section of our website.