June 2022

Published: 27 June 2022

Last week on Wednesday 22 June 2022 and Thursday 23 June 2022, 54 of our S3 pupils took part in this superb event. 

Andy Dennison from 3D Wed Technologies led the days supported by Gary Donlin of SSE Renewables and Naomi MacFarlane, also from 3DW.

The aim of the days was for our pupils to form project development teams for major wind energy companies.  After choosing a site for their wind farm, working within specified constraints they then had to connect their wind farm to the National Grid via under sea bed and underground cables ensuring they remained sensitive to the environment.

Using 3D software they built their wind farm and calculated their profit over the 25 year life of the wind farm taking account of all costs over that period.  It was very promising to note that all companies over the two days made a profit.

In the afternoon each team presented their project to the other groups each one trying to outdo the others for profit, care of the environment and presentation skills.  Andy, Gary and Naomi were very impressed by the quality of these presentations.

Each pupil in their development team had a different role, a project manager, technical advisor, communications manager and financial manager.  This emphasised that in a company, widely seen as an engineering company, there are an array of jobs and roles which demand various skills.  Our pupils were encouraged not to dismiss certain sectors when looking at careers as invariably there is a need for wide variety of skills within each one.

It was a long day and the pupils should be applauded for their efforts and resilience which resulted in their excellent presentations. A memorable and worthwhile day for all.

Thanks again to Andy, Gary and Naomi.  We are looking forward to working with you again and hopefully building a relationship that will provide an avenue for our pupils into the world of work.

Published: 06 June 2022

A fantastic opportunity for new S4, S5 and S6 pupils this summer! East Lothian Tutoring Initiative who are partnered with Queen Margaret College University are running a Summer School Fayre from Monday 4 July 2022 until Friday 8 July 2022.

Feel like you need a head start before you begin your National 5, Higher and Advanced Highers? Not up to much that week? Then apply for a space, attend lots of exciting workshops, meet new people and feel more confident when you return to school in August.  Free lunches are provided every day as well as a £10 gift voucher for every participant! What is there not to like?!

If you have any questions, come and see Miss Campbell in the Maths Department. 

Published: 04 June 2022

Knox Academy is pleased to invite applications for the following vacancy:

Closing Date: Sunday 19 June 2022

All current and previous vacancies can be viewed within our Recruitment section of our website.