January 2023

Published: 18 January 2023

Knox Academy is excited to be hosting our inaugural Diversity Evening on Thursday 9 February between 5-9pm.  This evening will celebrate the diversity that exists within our school and local community and the wider theme of diversity/inclusion.  There will be a Food Hall, a Market Place, Workshops and the evening will culminate with a show, which again will cover diverse themes, and include two high profile speakers, Sir Geoff Palmer OBE and Jamie Andrew (Mountaineer).

Please see the letter issued to parents/carers/pupils on 18 January 2023 for details of what the evening will hold and ticket information.

We look forward to welcoming you along. 

Published: 12 January 2023

Anyone can volunteer and it is an amazing way to meet new people, learn new skills and get involved with helping your local community. Volunteering locally can bring around great changes in the community and help many people. 

Knox Academy Pupil Leadership Team have compiled a Charity and Volunteering booklet, containing links and contact information for local charities; however please remember there are many more deserving charities out there that could use your help!

Published: 06 January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

Further to my letter of 20 December 2022 letting you know of further strike action declared by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), the Association of Head Teachers and Deputes Scotland (AHDS) and Scottish Secondary Schools Association (SSTA) in early 2023, I am writing to confirm arrangements for 10,11 and 16 January 2023. We are anticipating that the above action will go ahead and all services affected have discussed the impact that this action will have on the health and safety of our children and young people given that there will be a significantly reduced number of teaching staff, including those in leadership positions in our schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings.  Please see letter issued from Nicola McDowell dated 6 January, for further details.