Parent Zone

The purpose of this section of the website is to provide you with information on how to support your learner in achieving their potential at Knox Academy. Below are a selection of websites that you may find useful in helping you to support your learner over the course of the school year. The Subject Specific link at the bottom of the page will allow you to access the Support Your Learner pages for each subject in the school.

Education Scotland

Education Scotland's Parentzone website will provide you with a range of resources and information about what to expect as your learner progresses through the Broad General Education (S1-S3) as well as resources and information to support them through the Senior Phase (S1-S4).

National Parent Forum

The National Parent Forum has a wide range of resources and guides to help parents understand support their learners both through the Broad General Education and the Senior Phase. There are also local groups, online discussions and subject specific resources.

The Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework

Qualifications have changed a lot over the past few years. The SCQF allows you to understand and compare qualifications and its levels clearly show how some qualifications have the same worth. For example a Higher and a Foundation Apprenticeship both sit at SCQF Level 6.

SQA Publications

The SQA is proud to be at the heart of the education and skills system in Scotland and is committed to helping young people realise their potential and to achieve their ambitions.” - Dr Janet Brown, Chief Executive of SQA.

A document entitled "Guide to Scottish Qualifications" has been published and is available on the SQA website.

Past examination papers for all subjects and levels can be found here. Please ensure you select ‘New Higher’ when searching for the most up-to-date Higher papers.

A full SQA 2018 exam timetable shows the date and time for all upcoming SQA exams.

Knox Academy - Study Support Timetable

Here you can find the times when our teachers are available for revision session before and after school, as well as some lunchtimes. Whilst many of these sessions are 'drop-in', please encourage your learner to notify their class teacher when they plan to attend to allow the teacher to prepare appropriately.

Subject Specific Information

Here you can find more detailed information about each subject offered at Knox Academy. Each page has information about how you can support your learner throughout the Broad General Education (S1-3), Nationals 3 and 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.