Parent Council News

Published: Tue 12 Nov 2024

An invitation to all parents and carers to our next Parent Council meeting and AGM which is being on Thursday 21 November 2024, at 6.30pm in the School Library. All are welcome to attend. If you would like further information, please email the Parent Council. You can find out more about the PC and what we do on our website.

Published: Tue 19 Mar 2024

An invitation to all parents and carers to our next Parent Council meeting and AGM which is being held tomorrow, Wednesday 20 March 2024, at 6.30pm in the School Library. All are welcome to attend. If you would like further information, please email the Parent Council here. You can find out more about the PC and what we do on our website here.

Parent Council


Minutes of our Meetings are published shortly before the next Meeting, which can be found on the school calendar.

Knox Parent Council meetings are currently held in a hybrid form, either online or in person, alternating. The in person meetings are held in the School Library and start at 6.30pm. The online meetings are held on Google Meet where a link will be available to all parents/carers in advance of the meeting.  All parents and carers with children currently attending Knox Academy are welcome to the Parent Council meetings. 

The Head Teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team attends meetings as an advisor to the Parent Council. Local Councillors also attend the Parent Council Meetings as co-opted members.

Contact Details

The Parent Council website can be found here and they can be contacted directly via their email if you would like further information, to join our mailing list or to become part of the PC as a Member. Parents/Carers are able to become Members at our AGM, which is held in March.  


Why should you join the Parent Council?

This video gives 7 good reasons!

The main aims of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 are to:

  • Help parents become more involved with their child's education and learning
  • Welcome parents as active participants in the life of the school
  • Provide easier ways for parents to express their views and wishes

To help achieve these aims, all parents automatically become members of the Parent Forum at their child's school and are entitled to have a say in what happens at the school.  As members of the Parent Forum parents have a say in selecting the Parent Council (representative body) to work on behalf of all parents at the school. More information about the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 can be found here.

The role of the Parent Council includes:

 • Supporting the work of the school, for example, by advising the school on its policies

• Being involved in the appointment of senior staff

• Helping parents support their child’s learning

• Promoting contact between parents and the wider school community

• Discussing anything that’s of interest to parents and ensuring the school management takes parents’ views and experiences on board

• Ensuring all parents from different backgrounds are listened to and supported by the PC

The Parent Council meet approximately 6 times per year and our AGM usually forms part of the March PC Meeting.  For further information on the role of a school Parent Council can be found on Connect's website, click here to access or on Education Scotland's ParentZone, here.