The Council’s current policy is to provide home to school transport for those pupils attending the District School who live more than 2 miles from that school.
Bus passes are issued where public transport exists and contract transport is arranged where there is no suitable public transport. Where there are vacant seats on contract buses, these may be made available to pupils who are not normally entitled to free transport on a “grace and favour basis” but must be applied for each session. These can be withdrawn should the seat be required for pupils who qualify for this provision.
Travelling expenses are also met in the case of any pupil whom the Council requires to attend a school other than the district school provided the pupil meets the distance qualification. Where appropriate, free travel is provided for pupils receiving special education.
Consideration may also be given to requests for assistance with travel in exceptional circumstances, e.g. where the road between home and school is deemed dangerous by the Council (through consultation with the Police Road Safety Department) and where there is no public transport available.
Parents who choose to send their children to a school other than the district school will not receive assistance in relation to travel to and from school.