P7 Transition

Parents/carers of P7 pupils transferring to Knox Academy in August are warmly invited to our meeting held in June concerning your child’s entry to Secondary School.  At this meeting you will hear more details about the Primary 7 pupils’ visit to Knox during two days in June.  There will also be the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Details of the dress code at Knox Academy have been distributed through your child’s Primary School and will be covered again during the evening.  All pupils will be given a school tie on their first day in August.

Items of clothing can be viewed and purchased/ordered on the night prior to the main proceedings.

During their two day visit pupils will follow a timetable that will give a taster of what life is like at Knox Academy. At lunchtime pupils have the choice of eating a packed lunch or having a school meal in the Food Court.  Your child may leave the school campus at lunchtime only if he/she is carrying a signed note of permission from yourself.

Your child should be well prepared for a busy day and should bring along:

  • Pen or pencil
  • PE kit.

If you need any more details about the information evening or the visit, please contact the school.

We look forward to meeting you in June.