P7 Enrolment
Preparation for the enrolment of pupils from P7 begins in the autumn preceding their entry to secondary school. An open evening is held for P7 parents and pupils in October. The date is sent out to cluster primary schools, is advertised in the press and is shown below. Any parent unable to attend the open evening should telephone the school office (01620 823387) to agree a mutally convenient time to visit the school and speak to a member of the Management Team. In June, preceding the new session in August, there is a parents' evening and pupils transferring pay a two-day visit to the school, following their timetables and meeting their teachers.
Moving to the area?
If you and your child(ren) are moving into the Knox catchment area please contact the school office on 01620 823387, who will arrange for you to meet with a member of the Management Team and have a tour of the school.
Outwith catchment area Enrolment
Normally children attend the catchment area school known as the district school. Pupils in the Cluster Primary Schools will automatically transfer to S1.
Parents wishing to enrol their child at Knox Academy from outwith the catchment area should follow the procedures given in the information which will be sent out to their home addresses when their child is in P7. Admittance for pupils outwith the catchment area is subject to vacancies being available. It should be noted that attendance at a non-district primary does not mean transfer to the attached secondary school. The school is always willing to provide information and discuss any problems or difficulties with prospective parents.