Achievement Ties
The achievement ties are designed to recognise the hard work and endeavour of pupils who have excelled in a particular area, and that deserves to be recognised at a whole school level.
Through consultation with various groups (including the Pupil Council, Pupil Leadership and Pupil Learning Team and a short life working group) we agreed an achievement tie that would be awarded for a high level of commitment and endeavor in an activity for a year, or for a significant achievement e.g. winning a National Award such as a poetry competition.
Please use the online form for nominating someone for an achievement tie alternatively submit a copy of the Nomination Form to the School Office
Full information is available in our "The Criteria for Achievement Ties".
Diligence Awards
Through discussion, and as part of our links with reviewing recognition of achievement, we wanted to devise a system that recognised pupils who come and work diligently on a day to day basis. Once a term (August-December) and (January-April/May) we will be asking staff to nominate pupils in their subject who have worked diligently throughout the term. These will then be collated and a certificate produced that will be presented to pupils showing all their nominations. This gives recognition and reward to all pupils working hard across the term and aims to encourage them to get as many subject areas highlighting their diligence as possible.
This links in with the school’s values of ambition and community.
Information around achievement ties and diligence awards can be found with the document House and Achievement Ties document.