Attendance Policy - A Positive Approach to Promoting School Attendance

East Lothian Council is committed to providing the best education service in Scotland through a relentless focus on Inclusion, Achievement, Ambition and Progress for All.  Good school attendance is the foundation of our ambition for our children and young people to reach their full potential.  We recognise that promoting good school attendance can be a complex and multi-faceted issue and, in the production of Included, Engaged & Involved -  A Positive Approach to Promoting School Attendance policy and associated procedures, a multi-agency approach has been adopted including input from Children’s Services and Police Scotland. 

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to schools about positive approaches to promoting school attendance, school attendance procedures and alternative attendance arrangements.

We have taken the principles and guidance from this policy to inform our school specific procedures for addressing monitoring and addressing attendance issues, please the the following link for details.

Knox Academy Attendance Policy 2022/2023