Mobile Phones
If pupils bring mobile phones to school these should be switched off during classes unless teachers allow pupils to use these for research/tasks during the lesson, or to record home learning (signs in the classroom clearly say ‘learning on/mobiles off’ or if allowed to use them, ‘learning on/mobiles on’.
Pupils may, of course, use their mobile phone before and after school, as well as at break and lunch times.
Mobile phones can only be used in the social area in the school at these times as classrooms, corridors and the dining room are phone free zones, as per our new Mobile Phone Policy.
If parents/carers need to contact their young person during the school day due to an emergency, they should do so by calling the school office who will locate your young persons for you and arrange a call back.
Please do not phone your young person during class time as this will encourage them to keep their phone on and their phone ringing in lessons not only detracts from their learning but impacts on the learning of all the class as the teacher has to deal with this.
If this occurs in class parents/carers will be contacted to discuss this and possibly to ask that the phone is not brought to school at all as it is causing too much disruption. Thank you for your support with managing this.
As mentioned in the valuables section of our school handbook, during PE lessons Mobile Phones should not be brought into the teaching space. Pupils can hand phones in to PE base for safe keeping.
Finally, the school takes no responsibility for loss or damage to phones pupils bring to school.