At the end of their time at Knox Academy we aim that young people will…
- Have a strong sense of who they are, where their strengths lie and their role in a community.
- Realise that they have potential and know how to go about realising it.
- Have been challenged and know how to go about meeting challenge in the future.
- Have been happy, having experienced positive relationships and will know how to form positive relationships with others.
- Have the qualifications and skills to move on to the next phase in their lives.
The following documents are available to support our improvement framework:
- Standards and Quality Report (2021-22)
- School Improvement Plan (2022-2023)
- School Improvement Plan - Overview for Parents (2023-2024)
- Standards and Quality Report (2022-23) / School Improvement Plan 2023-24
- School Improvement Plan - Overview for Parents (2024-2025)
- Standards and Quality Report (2023-24)
- School Improvement Plan (2024-2025)