The term has started in a busy and positive fashion. The S1 pupils seem to be settling in very well, and I would like to thank the S6 'buddies' for their help with this.
This session there will be 'Zero Tolerance' of pupils who disregard school policies in the areas of punctuality and dress code, as these are priorities to help to ensure a business like atmosphere in the classroom and successful learning. The adherence to dress code this week has been excellent, the pupils look extremely smart and I would like to thank all sections of the school community for their support of, and assistance with, the dress code.
S5/6 pupils have been confirming or amending their course choices following receipt of their examination results, hopefully finalised timetables will be in action from early next week.
Every pupil was issued with a letter and information for parents/carers, from the Scottish Government, regarding swine 'flu, please contact the school office (or check the school bag!) if you have not received a copy. The documents can be viewed on the website. The main point is that every effort will be made to ensure 'business as usual'.
Finally, the school has a new security system and all pupils were informed of this at assemblies. All visitors must enter by the main door and report to Reception. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Best wishes,
JB Craig