The SQA exams have started and the attendance at these has been brilliant. The pupils I have spoken to seem to be happy with their performance and found the exams to be fair. Please continue to support your young people to study during their exam leave and, if they do need any support whatsoever, to come in to see their teachers. We are always here to help!
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
As of the new timetable Mrs Falconer will become DHT with leadership of Pupil Support and will line manage our Pupil Support Leaders (Mrs Doig, Ms Adam and Mr Meekison), Mrs Wright and Mrs Fox
Mr Illingworth (who was previously the DHT Pupil Support) will move to DHT leadership of Learning and Teaching, Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting and SQA. He will line manage English & Communications, Numeracy and Computing, and the PT Equity.
Mr Russell will continue to lead on Curriculum and Developing the Young Workforce and will line manage Science and Technologies
I will line manage Social Subjects and also Health and Wellbeing.
All SLT will also focus on raising attainment and achievement.
Parents’ and Pupils’ Information
BGE Awards Ceremony
This will be held on Friday 2 June and is for S3 pupils. It is a ceremony that marks our young people’s achievements during the first three years at Knox Academy and outlines the exciting challenges ahead at Senior Phase (S4-S6).
Evening of Celebration
This will take place on Thursday 22 June 2023. Due to the success of last year’s ceremonies, which were split into S1-S3 and S4-S6, we are adopting the same set up this session. It allowed more parents/carers to attend due to the space available in the hall and to present all the Rotary Awards at these ceremonies too. More information will follow in the weeks to come and those receiving awards will be sent a notification detailing their award.
Battle of the Bands (S2)
All of the S2 Music classes are busy rehearsing for our annual S2 Battle of the Bands competition.
On Friday 2 June we are delighted to be rounding off the competition week with a Glasgow Bands Event where 4 professional bands will be entertaining all the S2s during period 2 & 3. There will be a Q & A/Meet & Greet for the winning S2 Battle of the Bands class with the Glasgow Bands after this. One of the bands will also perform at the start of the S3 Awards Ceremony that morning. (By M Middlemiss, Music)
Edinburgh Marathon Festival Fundraiser
A group of staff, pupils and parents are running in the 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon for the Teenage Cancer Trust on the weekend of 27/28 May. This is a charity that is offering support for a pupil at Knox Academy and we wish to reach out as a community to offer our support. We are around 4 weeks out, and the training is reaching its peak with some of us finding it extremely challenging. We would appreciate any donations which can be given online.
During the week beginning 22 May further charity events will be happening throughout the school that pupils can get involved in. Please keep an eye out for information on these (Ms Borwick, CL of HWB)
Parents’/ Carers’ Information
Parent Council
Our last Parent Council of the year will take place on Thursday 18 May, in the School Library, at 6.30pm. This will give information about our School Improvement Plan for next session. All parents/carers are welcome to attend and we would also like to extend this invite to our P7 parents/carers whose young people will be starting with us next session.
S1 Kit Initiative
As next session approaches the PE department are keen to support all our young people in the department. One of the keys areas of feedback from our pupils has been that they would like more support with the PE kit and this ties nicely into being an Eco-Friendly school. Some pupils regularly forget, and others have limited clothing that is suitable for PE. In order to support this initiative and the health and wellbeing of all our young people, we are asking that any pupils that have appropriate clothing for PE, that they no longer require, could be dropped off in the PE department before the end of May. The clothing that we require includes: t-shirts, shorts, leggings, joggers, jumpers and trainers (Size 3 upwards). Thank you (Ms Borwick, CL of HWB)
Dates for your diary:
Monday 1 May – Holiday (staff and pupils)
Monday 8 May – Holiday for King’s Coronation weekend
Tuesday 9 May – Friday 12 May – Meaningful May Week (select S4 pupils only)
Monday 15 – Friday 19 May – S1-S3 Activities Week
Thursday 18 May – Parent Council – School Library – 6.30pm (tea, coffee, cakes)
Monday 22 – Pupils’ holiday and staff in-service day
Enjoy the Monday holiday and we will look forward to seeing our S1-S3 pupils back on Tuesday, along with any of our senior pupils sitting exams.
Our school calendar is updated regularly and should be used to access all information throughout the year and allows you to plan ahead too.
Sue Cook
Parent Council
The Parent Council has requested a footer on my HT’s update that remains there year round and which offers quick links to remote learning resources, course choices, supported study and careers news. Clicking on these headings takes you straight to these pages.
Please also look at our website for lots of other information. Please also follow us on Twitter for up-to-date news on a day to day basis.
Please also remember to follow us at: @knoxacademy @knoxacademyHT for the latest information and updates.