As a number of pupils continue to self-isolate, work is being provided on our own Google Classrooms. Additional work/learning can be accessed at e-Sgoil, West_OS and the National E-Learning offer for both Broad General Education and Senior Phase (S4-S6).
All pupils can now access recorded video lessons on West_OS using their Glow login to support their learning and revision at home! There are lots of quality assured video lessons available for all our pupils across a range of subjects. Pupils will find this a great resource to support their learning and revision on Glow. If you do not have your Glow Login details please email the School Office to request these from our Admin Team).
The SQA provide recent past papers and assignments on their website alongside marking schemes. Understanding Standards provides a wide range of subject-specific materials that explain the national standards required in SQA assessments.
Twitter Accounts: Education Scotland| eSgoil | Glow | Scholar |SQA | West_OS