On Monday the staff had a very worthwhile in-service day. We had presentations on autism awareness; how we can prepare young people better for the workplace; and our new procedures for Respectful Relationships for Learning. In the afternoon we looked at our vision for Knox Academy over the next three years and drafted the priorities for the School Improvement Plan. All-in-all it was a busy and productive day.
We continue to have our partners from Colstoun House in the Food and Health Department doing cookery experiences with our S1 and S2. The pupils have moved on from the noodle stir-fry to fish or veggie cakes, and I can testify that the food has looked (and smelled) delicious. I only hope that some of it has lasted until it gets home!
We’re still very excited about KT Tunstall’s visit to the school last week. We made a connection with her through our partnership with Canon UK, and she came to talk to a group of girls about confidence and creativity. She was a complete inspiration to all who were there, and seemed to enjoy herself so much that the school got “shout-outs” at her gig at the Queen’s Hall on Friday night and when she was on Radio 2 on Saturday. We are hoping to keep the relationship going with her and would like to thank our friends at Canon, KT and her management team (especially Charlotte) for helping to make it all happen.
On Wednesday, Angus Langlands, who represents us on the Scottish Youth Parliament spoke at the “Get Connected” Event at the Brunton Hall. Angus delivered his talk and Power Point presentation, speaking truthfully and eloquently about having additional support needs and how this impacts on his life. He genuinely moved the audience with his account and held his nerve speaking to over 90 adults (no mean feat for anyone). Mrs Fraser, who accompanied him said, “He conducted himself with grace and displayed excellent manners to all he met yesterday. His conduct and appearance were remarked on by all. He is an ambassador for Knox Academy and the school should be proud of the young man he has matured into.” Hear! Hear!
Next week is Activities’ Week, and whilst a couple of trips are starting their journeys today, I’d like to wish everyone well for their trips and travels. The long-stay trips tend to Tweet a lot so, keep your eye out on our timeline for news and updates (especially regarding travel home).
If you are looking for things to do this weekend, can I suggest attending the Haddington Pipe Band Ceilidh that is happening at the Corn Exchange this evening (7.30pm start)? Also, one of our pupils, Findlay Wallace is playing in a concert at St Mary’s Church on Saturday with Dalkeith and Monktonhall Brass Band. Doors open at 7pm and tickets cost £7 (£3 concessions). They will be playing music from the stage and screen and it looks to be a great night out. On Sunday the school will be represented at the Haddington Festival Opening Service and I look forward to seeing you there.
Have a great week.
S Ingham