April 2017

Published: 27 April 2017

A reminder to all Italian Explorers that the meeting for parents/carers is on Wednesday 3 May at 7 pm.  This year the meeting will be held in the Food Court.  

It is vital that all Italian Explorers are represented at this meeting.  Should this not be possible, it is important that Mr Wren is notified in advance.

There will be an opportunity to make Spending Money payments by cash/cheque after this meeting.  Should you wish to make any final online payments for Spending Money these must be made immediately after the meeting at the latest.  Sterling received online after this time, may be refunded automatically, and sterling cash can no longer be accepted.  Any Spending Money payments after this time must be in Euro.  

Unless by prior arrangement, any outstanding excursion payments must also be made by this point.

The Italian Staff Team look forward to welcoming you on the evening to give final arrangements for our educational adventure with our 51 Italian Explorers of 2017.

Published: 26 April 2017

A reminder that there will be a meeting tonight (Wednesday 26 April 2017) at 6.30pm in the hall to discuss the recent inspection, all will be made very welcome.

Published: 24 April 2017

Our new supplier of Dress Code is Border Embroideries.  All orders should be placed via the Border Embroideries website.   Delivery can be made to your home address for £4.99 or to Knox Academy at no cost.   See Border Embroideries website for detail surrounding delivery dates.

Further Information surrounding the expectations of school dress code can be viewed on our website.

The ordering process can be viewed below:

Published: 24 April 2017

From 9 am on Tuesday 25 April 2017 the uniform suppliers will be in school to measure current S4 pupils for their senior blazers (to be worn by pupils in S5/6). Classes should report to the assembly hall in the following order. Please return immediately to class following the measurements. This should take no more than a couple of minutes for each pupil.

  • 4G1 – 9 - 9.10am
  • 4G2 – 9.10 - 9.20am
  • 4G3 – 9.20 - 9.40am
  • 4L1 – 9.40 - 9.50am
  • 4L2 – 9.50 - 10am
  • 4T1 – 10 - 10.10am
  • 4T2 – 10.10 - 10.20am


Many thanks
Mrs Falconer (Depute)

Published: 03 April 2017

Listen again to the Spring Concert which was held on Wednesday 31 March 2018 on the concerts section of our website.  Previous concerts are also accessible on their individual pages.

Thanks to Abby Hickman and Rebecca Mackenzie for filming the Spring Concert 2017.


Published: 01 April 2017

Knox Academy is pleased to invite applications for the following vacancies:

Closing Date: Sunday 16 April 2017