East Lothian Council has updated the Young Carer's website with lots of useful information.

A Young Carer is someone under 18 or is 18 years but still at school, who provides unpaid help and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who due to illness or disability cannot manage to live independently without their help. Some children and young people will have small caring roles, and some will have big caring roles. You might share this caring role with another sibling or an adult carer.

East Lothian Council want to ensure that all our Young Carers have the same opportunities as other children and young people their age. We therefore need to know who our Young Carers are in order that we have the most appropriate services in place to meet their needs. It you know a Young Carer or are a Young Carer please complete our initial questionnaire. Some-one from the Young Service will then contact you to tell you more about what we are doing to support Young Carers in your local area.