S1 have been working on a personal investigation of a country of their choice in classes throughout March/April.

The project content and criteria was created by the pupils after class discussion of what would make a “good” project and topics chosen. Classes were visited by Mr Plain, the School Librarian, who reminded pupils of resources available, how to utilise the library catalogue and booking system whilst giving a demonstration of Encyclopaedia Britannica online. 

The classes spent 1 period researching their chosen topic in the library, where PC, internet and book resources were accessible and they could order any additional resources they required. Pupils were then given 2 periods in class to access the project boxes which had been ordered in by Mr Plain through the School Library Service (thank you!) and stock from the School Library. 

It was expected that additional work be put into these projects in the pupils own time, at home or in the School Library and the end products are OUTSTANDING! 1G1, 1G2 and 1T1 deserve a special mention and a display has been set up in the School Library to showcase their projects. Great work and I hope you all enjoyed researching your chosen country!

Miss Jeffrey