Wednesday p4 - Health & Wellbeing Core

This may be on your timetable as PE/RE Core - this is not accurate!  For 1 period per week you have Health & Wellbeing, this means you have a few different options.  PE, Cooking on a Budget, World of Health & Wellbeing, Philosophy, British Sign Language and First Aid are all options this year.

The whole year group is NOT timetabled for HWB Core on a Wednesday - some of you have other classes at this time and should attend these.  Data Science, Retail, Psychology, English, Maths and Physics are all timetabled at the same time as HWB Core - so please check that you are where you are meant to be.

Most of you have made your choices for the first block of HWB Core.  Those of you yet to choose will be limited, as there is no spaces left in a couple of the options.  Please see Mrs Leighton ASAP.  The class lists are up on a notice board in PE and have also been posted on your whole year group google classroom (you have all been invited to join this recently!)  PLEASE go to your allocated classes on Wednesday of this week.  (Mrs Leighton's group and Mr Tainsh's group - should both attend PE)