A Word from Miss Cook, Head Teacher

On Monday I was delighted to welcome Mrs Allison to the school as our new Home Economics teacher. We are in the throes of sorting out her timetable, so please bear with us on this. However, it’s great to have her as part of our school community.

This week the Sports’ Ambassadors have been speaking at assemblies about their role in the school and their plans for events next week. We are having a focus on Health and Wellbeing that will culminate in “Sport Your Trainers” on Friday (coinciding nicely with Children In Need). Pupils are encouraged to bring in a donation of 50p (or more, if they like) and we will split the proceeds between Children In Need and the East Lothian Foodbank. I look forward to seeing the S6 fancy-dressed and the other pupils trainer-ed.

In other sporting news, I was delighted to hear that Nils Bleakley has been signed as a goalie for Berwick Rangers. I am really pleased for him and it is a testament to his hard work and resilience. Congratulations must also go to the S2 Girls’ Hockey team who beat Linlithgow 11-0 at the weekend. Onwards and upwards, ladies!

The Parent School Partnership met on Wednesday evening. The discussions ranged from how to get more information out to parents, to dress-down days. The next meeting is on the 3rd December and anyone who is interested is welcome to join us (6.15pm in Learning Support).

Four pupils in S4 (Hamish Hastie, Lois Finnie, Abbi Robertson, and Emma De Costa) have been working very hard with representatives from the Council and Community Learning and Development to gather ideas and information to feed into the work of the Local Area Partnership. They will be presenting to the next Partnership meeting on the 12th November here at Knox. I look forward to hearing their findings and their ideas, and know that they are going to be part of making Haddington a better place for all its residents.

Talking of next week…the Senior Drama Performance takes place nest Thursday at 7pm in the Hall. The play is entitled “Yellow Moon”. Tickets can be acquired through the Drama Department. See you there!

Have a good week.

S Ingham
