Christmas Concert 2016
The Christmas Concert held on Tuesday 20 December 2016 can be viewed as a YouTube playlist... alternatively watch the individual videos below.
Thanks to Rebecca MacKenzie and Abby Hickman for filming the concert.
Orchestra - Norwegian Dance No. 3
Orchestra - A Vaughan Williams Christmas
Pipe Band:
- Retreat Marches
- Evenings on the Clyde
- Sarah Ingham
Lower Strings Group - Theme from Jurassic Park
Glee - Ave Maria
Glee - White Christmas
String Orchestra - Carrickfergus
Jazz Band - Blue Moon
Jazz Band - Rudolf
Guitar Group - Quanno Nascette Ninno a Bettalemme
The Goat's Toes - Three Waltzes and Two Reels
Senior Choir - Mambo Italiano
Senior Choir - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Wind Band - Live and Let Die
Wind Band - Ukranian Bell Carol